House for Poetry Berlin

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Das Haus für Poesie is a Berlin literary organizer based in the Kulturbrauerei Berlin. On September 12, 2016, the former literary workshop Berlin was renamed the House for Poetry .

History and program

The house for poetry was founded in 1991 (at that time under the name Literaturwerkstatt Berlin). The main focus of his work is the discovery and promotion of young writers and the dissemination of national and international poetry, especially in connection with other arts. The house for poetry organizes u. a. annually the Berlin Poetry Festival , Weltklang - Night of Poetry and the Open Mike literary competition and the Zebra Poetry Film Festival. It is also involved in the annual presentation of the poetry recommendations and is the central organizer of UNESCO World Poetry Day , which has been celebrated on March 21 every year since 2000. On the Lyrikline website, which is managed by the Haus für Poesie, poems by well over 1,300 poets can now be heard in more than 80 languages ​​and read in the original and in translations.

Poetry Festival Berlin

The Berlin Poetry Festival is the largest poetry festival of its kind in Europe. Every year it brings around 150 well-known poets and artists from all over the world to Berlin and presents contemporary poetry in its variety of forms and in connection with other arts. The central venue and cooperation partner has been the Academy of the Arts since 2008 .

“Poetry is not about billing. It is not a commodity, does not bring any material gain. Poetry, which is now being talked about more in this country than it was ten years ago, is nevertheless an asset for anyone who has only a tiny sense of the OTHER. [...] Poetry wants to play and show itself. We will experience it here - across genres, with proven and new forms, with performances, music, dance, film and everything that the zeitgeist conjures up from its poetic box. ”( Kerstin Hensel , Deputy Director of the Literature Section, Akademie der Künste, zur Opening of the poetry festival berlin 2016)

Lyrikline - listen to the poet

Lyrikline is an online platform for international poetry - here poems can be read in the original and in translation and heard in the voice of the poet. went online on November 19, 1999. There are now around 20,000 poems by well over 1,300 poets in more than 80 languages ​​to be read and heard.

open mike - competition for young literature

The House of Poetry has been holding the open mike literary competition since 1993 . German-speaking authors who are not older than 35 and have not yet published a literary book can take part. The open mike has developed into the most important young literary competition in German-speaking countries. Many authors began their literary careers with open mike, for example Julia Franck , Tilman Rammstedt and Ulf Stolterfoht .

Zebra Poetry Film Festival

The Zebra Poetry Film Festival is the largest international platform for poetry films - short films that deal with poetry in terms of content, aesthetics or form. Since 2002 it has presented the international status of the genre and announced the competition for the best poetry films.

Poetic education

The House of Poetry promotes young literary talent and is committed to the poetic education of children and young people. In open meetings and workshops they can work on their own writing and find access to poetry. The practice of poetic writing is taught by poets who have received many awards and are experienced in teaching. There are also training courses for teachers and school projects for all age groups.

VERS smuggled

With VERSschmuggel, the house for poetry has developed its own method of poetry translation. Since 2002 it has been inviting German-speaking and international poets to translate for one another. They work in teams of three with so-called language mediators and 'smuggle' verses into the other language. The results are published as a bilingual anthology by the publishing house Das Wunderhorn and a publishing house in the other language.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lothar Müller : Stone by stone. The Literaturwerkstatt Berlin is now called "House for Poetry". In: Süddeutsche Zeitung of September 14, 2016, p. 12.
  2. Open Mike competition - Where literary careers begin. Retrieved on March 25, 2019 (German).