Skin fern-like Neusternmoos

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Skin fern-like Neusternmoos
Skin fern-like new star moss (Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides)

Skin fern-like new star moss ( Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides )

Class : Bryopsida
Subclass : Bryidae
Order : Bryales
Family : Mniaceae
Genre : New moss ( Cyrtomnium )
Type : Skin fern-like Neusternmoos
Scientific name
Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides
( Huebener ) TJKop.

The Hautfarnähnliche Neusternmoos often Hautfarnähnliches Blue Star Moss ( Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides ) is a moss -Art from the family Mniaceae .


The species grows in low, up to 3 cm high, somewhat loose lawns with bluish-green plants. The mostly dark colored stems have two lines of leaves and have rounded to elliptical, single-layered lined leaves. Sporophytes are not known from Germany.

Cyrtomnium lawn in the biotope

Location requirements

The moss colonizes damp earth over limestone and slate. The habitats are in a rain-protected but humid position in caves, rock crevices, rubble heaps and under overhangs.

Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides biotope

Spread and endangerment

It is an arctic-alpine lime moss with main distribution in the northern latitudes of North America , Europe and Asia . In Germany it occurs exclusively in the high altitudes of the Alps . The centers of concentration are the Allgäu Alps , the Wetterstein Mountains and the Berchtesgaden Alps . The occurrences in the Alps are mostly small, geographically isolated and are considered cold-age relics. There is no evidence of any threat to the species in its alpine habitats, but some occurrences can be affected by intensive mountain tourism.


Web links

Commons : Skin fern-like new star moss ( Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files