Hey style

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The He style ( Chinese  和 式 , Pinyin héshì or 和 氏 , héshì , or 和 家 , héjiā ) of the Chinese martial art Taijiquan is one of the six oldest family styles . The name refers to the He ( 和 氏 ) family who developed this style over generations. In 2014, the He style Taijiquan was recognized as " China's National Intangible Cultural Heritage " and included in the six most important traditional Taijiquan styles. Sometimes this martial art is also referred to as the Zhaobao-He style ( 趙 堡 和 式  /  赵 堡 和 式 ) or Zhaobao-Taijiquan ( 趙 堡 太極拳  /  赵 堡 太极拳 ).

History of the He family

The founder of the He style is Hé Zhàoyuán ( 和 兆元 , 1810–1890) from the village of Zhaobao ( 趙 堡鎮  /  赵 堡镇 , now a large community in Wen County ), where his family practiced traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). At the age of 15 he learned Taijiquan from Chén Qīngpíng ( 陳清平  /  陈清平 ; 1795–1868; 7th generation of Zhaobao-Taijiquan ). Following the tradition of the Chinese martial arts (traditional Wushu ), the art of Taijiquan was only passed on to the male descendants within the own family. This should prevent a martial art with destructive potential from getting out of the sphere of influence of one's own family and thus out of control. For the Zhaobao-Taijiquan the saying "the martial art does not leave the village" ( 拳 不出 村 ) was valid until then . It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that Hé Qìngxǐ ( 和 慶 喜  /  和 庆 喜 ) and Hé Qìngtái ( 和 慶 臺  /  和 庆 台 , 3rd generation of the He style Taijiquan) were taught to strangers outside the family passed on.

  • Hé Qìngxǐ ‚( 和 慶 喜  /  和 庆 喜 ; 1857–1936), 3rd generation of the He style Taijiquan, learned“ Chinese shadow boxing ”and Chinese medicine in his childhood . He further stated his abilities: Hé Xúexìn ( 和 學 信  /  和 学 信 , his nephew in Baoji ) and Hé Xúemǐn ( 和 學 敏  /  和 学 敏 , his son), Hé Xúehuì ( 和 學 惠  /  和 学 惠 , his nephew), Zhèn Bóyīng ( 鄭伯英  /  郑伯英 , in Xi'an ), Zhèng Wùqīng ( 鄭 悟 清  /  郑 悟 清 , in Xi'an), Liú Shìyīng ( 劉士英  /  刘士英 , Hao Yuchao, Chen Guilin, Chai Yuzhu, Guo Yun), who promoted the spread of He-style Taijiquan in Chinese society and later around the world.
  • Zhèng Wùqīng ( 鄭 悟 清  /  郑 悟 清 ; 1895–1984), 4th generation of He-style Taijiquan, from the city of Zhaobao, was seriously ill and could not get up. In 1928 he was taught by Hé Qìngxǐ and healed after a few months. In 1938 he fled to Xi'an . There he taught the He-style Tai Chi Chuan at the Whampoa Military Academy and other places. Zheng practiced the He-style Tai Chi Quan daily for over 60 years. He was called "He Taiji Master of Northwest China". He did outstanding work in promoting He-style Taijiquan. Master students of Zhèng Wùqīng are: Zhèng Jūn ( 鄭鈞  /  郑钧 ), Zhèn Rùi ( 鄭瑞  /  郑瑞 ), Sūn Lángtíng ( 孫兰亭  /  孙兰亭 ), Jì Chāngxiù ( 紀昌秀  /  纪昌秀 ), Liú Rùì ( 劉瑞  /  刘瑞 ), Hóu Ěrliáng ( 侯 爾 良  /  侯 尔 良 ), Sòng Yǜnhuá ( 宋蘊華  /  宋蕴华 ) and Li Suíchéng ( 李 隨 成  /  李 随 成 ).
  • Hé Shìyīng ( 和 士 英 ; 1918–1987), 5th generation of He-style Taijiquan and eldest son of Hé Xúexìn. Since childhood he has practiced boxing, the teaching of Chinese medicine and especially acupuncture with his father. His successors are: Hé Dìngyuán ( 和 定 元 ), Hé Dìngqián ( 和 定 乾 ), Hé Dìngzhōng ( 和 定 中 ), He Dingguo (also known as Hé Yǒulù) ( 和 有 祿  /  和 有 禄 ), his nephew Hé Dìngyǔ ( 和 定宇 ), Hóu Fúmíng ( 侯福明 ), Daì Zhōngmíng ( 戴忠銘  /  戴忠铭 ) and others.

Characteristic features of the He-style Taijiquan

The He style Taijiquan is characterized by a particularly large number of different circular movements. This is why the He-style is also called the "circular fist shape" or also known as the He-style (body) position ( 和 氏 架 ).

Form of He-style Taijiquan

  • The He-style Taijiquan has a traditional form (Taolu) with 72 movements, which can also be divided into 108.
  • Extended form with 75 movements (from Zhèng Wùqīng)
  • Forms with 18 movements (by Hé Yǒulù)
  • Simplified form with 13 movements (by Hé Yǒulù)
  • Simplified form with 24 movements (from Hóu Ěrliáng).


The weapons commonly used in the He style are:

Partner exercises


  • Hou Erliang: Essential Des He Style Taijiquan (Chinese), ISBN 7-5009-2965-X
  • He Youlu: Instructions for the He Style Taijiquan (Chinese), ISBN 978-7-5009-2418-0
  • Master Wayne Peng: Zhao Bao Tai Chi Kung Fu (English - Chinese Edition) USA Tai Chi Culture Association; 1st Ed. (Nov. 1, 2008; English, Chinese), ISBN 978-0-615-25566-8 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 和 式 太极拳 - He-style Taijiquan. In: www.wenxian.gov.cn. May 21, 2019, accessed September 17, 2019 (Chinese).
  2. ^ Taiji Club Rems Valley. In: www.taiji-verein-remstal.de. Retrieved August 17, 2019 .