Hedwig Jarke

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Hedwig Jarke (* 1882 ; † August 1949 in Starnberg ) was a German artist of Japonism and Art Nouveau . She mainly created woodcuts .


Hedwig Jarke was a student of Hans Eduard von Berlepsch-Valendas , who taught in Munich . In 1914 she was awarded a silver medal at the International Exhibition for Book Trade and Graphics in Leipzig . The artist, who lived in Starnberg, created models for the Viennese porcelain manufacturer Augarten , including an equestrian statue of Prince Eugene . She designed the title page for No. 23 of the magazine Jugend des Jahres 1918.

Works by Jarke are in the State Art Library and in the Kupferstichkabinett Berlin . The Nassauischer Kunstverein in Wiesbaden also owns works by Hedwig Jarkes and the State Collection of Graphic Art in Munich has her work Landscape in the Rain .

In 2013/14 she was represented in the exhibition Paths to Gabriele Münter and Käthe Kollwitz in the Reutlingen Spendhaus .

In the winter of 2017/18 her color woodcut Two Birches was in the exhibition Snow at last! Art Nouveau woodcuts can be seen in the Teutonic Order Museum in Bad Mergentheim .

Individual evidence

  1. Hedwig Jarke on www.invaluable.com
  2. Digitized version of the table of contents on digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de
  3. Horst Ludwig: Munich painter in the 19th century: Achmann-Kursell , Bruckmann 1993, ISBN 978-3-765-41805-1 , p. 436 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  4. Petra Hinz: Japonism in graphics, drawing and painting in the German-speaking countries around 1900 , Ludwig Maximilians University Munich 1982, p. 397 ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  5. Ways to Gabriele Münter and Käthe Kollwitz on kultur-online.net
  6. Finally snow! Art Nouveau woodcuts , flyer for the exhibition ( digital copy )
  7. ^ Teutonic Order Museum Bad Mergentheim: “Finally snow! Art Nouveau woodcuts ” on www.landeskunde-online.de