Home and Citizens' Association Wattenscheid

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Local history museum Helfs Hof , In den Höfe 37 in Bochum-Wattenscheid
Showroom in the Helfs Hof

The Heimat- und Bürgererverein Wattenscheid ( HBV ) is a non-profit history association for Wattenscheid , which is now the western district of Bochum .


The association was founded on March 18, 1970 on the initiative of the Wattenscheid secondary school teacher Franz-Werner Bröker (1923-2013) originally as the Heimatverein Wattenscheid eV.

The association reported on the occasion of the North Rhine-Westphalian regional reform and the incorporation to Bochum in the daily press and at various political levels in order to advocate for a communal independence of Wattenscheid. This led to the founding of the citizens' initiative Independent Wattenscheid in 1974 , which carried out the first referendum in North Rhine-Westphalia through the association “Aktion Bürgerwille eV” and the Aktion Bürgerwille campaign of the same name . In 1975 the association was renamed the Heimat- und Bürgererverein Wattenscheid eV in order to take into account the political goal as well as the local history. Despite the failure of the referendum, the association, as a member of the Kettwig Circle, continued to represent demands for re-congregation.

The association was co-founder in 1974 of the folklore museum Helfs Hof , which was bought by the city of Wattenscheid and now operated jointly with the city of Bochum. It looks after it professionally and is responsible for the exhibitions. The association produced the first inventory list for the Wattenscheid list of monuments .

The establishment of the Wattenscheid mining hiking trail , which was opened in October 1992, also goes back to the initiative, planning and design of the association. Today it is part of the Route of Industrial Culture as the “Early Industrialization” theme route .

In 1992 the association co-founded the “Round Table against Xenophobia and Right-Wing Radicalism”, organizes lectures and tours on historical and local history topics and is involved in the city's cultural life.


"Der Wattenscheider" acts as the association's body . The association is also the publisher of around 30 publications and books, including standard works “Illustrierte Stadtgeschichte”, “Wattenscheider Street Book”, “Wattenscheider Postal History”, “History of the Wattenscheider Hospital”, “History of the Tram System”, “Coal and Steel determined her Life "and editor of an anthology" Wattenscheider Stories ".

Series of publications "Contributions to the history of Wattenscheid"

The Homeland and Citizens Association Wattenscheid, as the publisher of the series, mostly self- published:

  • Klare Kupitz: From Hogingthorpe to Höntrop. From the History and Life of a Village , 1977 (No. 8)
  • Franz-Josef Land: Wattenscheid. 4 years after incorporation; Results and analysis of a survey from April 1979 , 1980 (No. 6)
  • Peter Zimmermann: Wattenscheid in the emergency money time. In the appendix: coins, stamps, medals, archive material. 1981. (No. 12).
  • Franz-Werner Bröker: Wattenscheid. An illustrated city history. 2nd expanded edition 1983. (No. 13).
  • Rudolf Wantoch: The Wattenscheider Postal History. 1983. (No. 14).
  • Klare Kupitz, Peter Rauwerda: Wattenscheider collieries and miners. 1983. (No. 15).
  • Wilhelm Baumann (photos): Wattenscheid through the ages. An illustrated book by the Wattenscheid home and citizens' association. 1984. (No. 16).
  • History of the Hellweg School: 1873–1984. From the private secondary school for girls to the modern grammar school. 1984. (No. 17).
  • Peter Zimmermann: Wattenscheider house inscriptions. 1991. (No. 20).
  • Klare Kupitz: bells of the Wattenscheid churches and chapels. 1992. (No. 21).
  • Franz-Werner Bröker: 300 years of pulpit altar in the Protestant church on the Alter Markt. 1994. (No. 22).
  • Dieter Senzek: The Weitmar pastor and school inspector Johann Carl Friedrich Petersen and the mayor's office in Wattenscheid. 1994. (No. 23).
  • Franz-Werner Bröker, with the assistance of Ralph Eberhard Brachthäuser and Johannes Schnieders: Wattenscheid - on the history of the church and the city. 90 years Propsteikirche and its thousand-year-old baptismal font. 1995. (No. 24).
  • Franz-Werner Bröker: Wattenscheider street stories. Documentation of a WAZ series. 1996. (No. 26).
  • Heinz Rupietta: Günnigfeld, farmers - citizens - miners. A thousand-year history of Günnigfeld. 1997. (No. 27).
  • Wattenscheider story (s). A collection of contributions to the city's history. 1999. (No. 28).
  • Walter Gantenberg / Rolf Köhling / Wilhelm Spieker: Coal and steel determined their lives. Mining in the south of Wattenscheid, a contribution to the early industrial development of the Ruhr area. Klartext Verlag , Essen 2000, ISBN 3-88474-281-7 . (No. 29).
  • Wattenscheider mining trail in Höntrop and Eppendorf. 2003, 2nd ed.
  • Wattenscheid story (s) as reflected in historical newspaper articles. 2004. (No. 31).
  • Jost Benfer: Reconciliation: 6 cities revolt. Documentation of the efforts of the Kettwig district between 1983 and 1990. 2009. (No. 32).
  • Hartmut Schürbusch, Alfred Winter: Night over Wattenscheid. Chronicle of the war in our city , 2009.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.derwesten.de/staedte/wattenscheid/kampf-fuer-wattenscheids-selbststaendigkeit-id514529.html
  2. ^ A b Sabine Mecking: Citizens will and territorial reform. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-486-70314-6 , p. 134 ff. (Chapter: Wattenscheid as the starting point for a nationwide protest initiative; preview in the Google book search).
  3. ^ Wattenscheid's fight continues , Ruhr Nachrichten , October 2, 2007
  4. Heimatforscher: Incorporation threatened as early as 1912 , WAZ , January 20, 2012
  5. Markus Walz: “... and want to be even faster, the stones!” Mobility of people, places and spaces in the view of selected Rhenish-Westphalian museums. In: Henrike Hampe (Ed.): Migration and Museum: New Approaches in Museum Practice. LIT, Münster 2005, ISBN 3-8258-8698-0 , p. 139. ( preview in Google book search).
  6. Route of industrial culture, description of the sights , accessed on June 3, 2013.
  7. 20 years of the Round Table: For Tolerance and Understanding , WAZ , October 30, 2012
  8. Heimat- und Bürgererverein Wattenscheid: Historical city tour shows moving stories , Ruhr Nachrichten , March 19, 2012
  9. Ten institutions are doing the Wattenscheider Kulturnacht  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Ruhr Nachrichten , June 4, 2013@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www.ruhrnachrichten.de  
  10. ZDB -ID 1329457-x .
  11. HBV informs: New edition of "Der Wattenscheider" , WAZ , November 18, 2012
  12. Activities ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , Homepage Home and Citizens Association Wattenscheid @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.hbv-wat.de
  13. ^ War Chronicle: A Strong Piece of Contemporary History , WAZ , September 1, 2009