Heinrich Custom

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Heinrich Brauch (born August 23, 1896 in Chemin , Austria-Hungary , today the Czech Republic , † April 16, 1965 in Hamburg ) was a German marathon runner .

In 1932 in Hanover he was German marathon champion in 2:41:35 h. Due to the global economic crisis, he could not be sent to the Olympic Games in Los Angeles; instead he came second in the Košice marathon .

At the German Championships in Cologne in 1933 he competed against Paul de Bruyn , who started at the Olympics because he lives in the USA; Brauch defended his title with his personal best of 2:35:46 h, ahead of Franz Zeilhofer (2:37:45 h) and de Bruyn (2:39:57 h).

In 1934 he became Brandenburg Champion and won again at the German Championships in Nuremberg on a short distance in 2:36:12 h. At the European Athletics Championships in Turin he was fifth in 2:58:41 h.

In 1935 in Berlin he was German champion for the fourth time in a row in 2:39:20 h.

Heinrich Brauch was a police master by profession and started for the police SV Berlin .


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