Heinrich Funck (philologist)

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Heinrich Funck (born February 19, 1853 in Waldshut-Tiengen , † December 18, 1932 in Gernsbach-Schänen ) was a German high school teacher and historian. He was particularly interested in intellectual life in the second half of the 18th century.


After studying classical philology at the University of Leipzig and Heidelberg University , Funck received a position as professor at the grand ducal high school in Karlsruhe in 1879 . In 1893 he switched to the higher civil school (from 1912: Realschule) in Gernsbach as professor and director .

In the series of writings of the Goethe Society he published the correspondence between Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Caspar Lavater in 1901 . He had previously prepared the correspondence between Lavater and Johann Heinrich Merck . In 1912 he edited the writings and letters of Susanna Katharina von Klettenberg . Funck was a corresponding member of the Baden Historical Commission .

Publications (selection)

  • Correspondence between Merck and Lavater , in: Historische Monatsschrift 1 (1900), no. 1, pp. 48–70.
  • (Ed.): Goethe and Lavater. Letters and diaries (= writings of the Goethe Society , vol. 16), Weimar 1901. ( digitized version )
  • (Ed.): The beautiful soul. Confessions, writings and letters from Susanna Katharina von Klettenberg . Frankfurt / M. 1912.


  • Court and State Handbook of the Grand Duchy of Baden , Karlsruhe 1910, p. 560, p. 576–578 ( digitized version )
  • Ernst Troeltsch: Writings on the meaning of Protestantism for the modern world (1906-1913) , ed. von Trutz Rendtorff, Berlin / New York 2011, p. 383.

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