Heinrich garden gate

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Heinrich Garden Gate (2008)

Heinrich Gartentor (born September 14, 1965 in Schafmatt , Aargau ; actually Martin Luethi ) is a Swiss writer, internet activist and action artist . He works in Horrenbach . In addition to his novels and actions, Gartentor's election as the first «Minister of Culture in Switzerland» also attracted greater attention on the Internet . It was initiated by a large Swiss cultural project with the aim of stimulating debate about culture in Switzerland.

Garden gate as an action artist

Gartentor campaigns, which were also reported in the media nationwide, included a. Thinner or Better World .

Holy cow

As part of an event of the World Art Court in the Kunstmuseum Thun in December 1997, he undertook investigations and questioning a Bernese bishop, whose resignation then enabled the first ordination of women in Switzerland to be possible.


Gates "ate" about 16 months overweight to this as of 4 September 2003. The kilo on Ebay to auction. The buyer could decide how the garden gate should lose the kilogram bought at auction. Gartentor documented the acceptance. In order not to open the door to sadists , it was up to Gartentor's family doctor to make the final decision about whether a type of acceptance was physically reasonable.

Better World

Since November 2002, Gartentor has been decorating photos with ugly motifs on behalf of art lovers in order to “improve the world”.

Golf gate

In 2004, the Lothringer13 / shop in Munich transformed the garden gate into a golf course. He sees this primarily as a platform for business and political agreements. In addition to other artists, politicians from all political groups were invited to the green .

Promotion of young artists

With his Heinrich Gartentor scholarship , Heinrich Gartentor is committed to promoting young artists. He enables his fellows to live freely in Bern, provides them with a studio and pocket money, which he finances with jumping rope .

Artistic quality assessment

Based on the EU regulation No. 1677/88 for quality testing of cucumbers and their classification into quality classes I, II and III, Gartentor developed a test device for "artistic quality" in 2006 . Works of art can now be classified without any problems based on this EEA standard.

Presentation view of the video "Artistic Quality Assessment"
H. Gartentor in conversation with Robert Porth about "artistic quality assessment"

Gartentor as Switzerland's «Minister of Culture»

The election of Switzerland's first “Minister of Culture” took place from July 5 to September 8, 2005 on the website of the kulturministerium.ch project . Gartentor held his inaugural address on September 18.

Kulturministerium.ch, which works with a wide variety of art associations in Switzerland, wants to draw attention to questions of the current, critically assessed cultural and political framework and their possible further development by appointing a “Minister of Culture”.

Gartentor sees the choice as a reaction to the cultural policy of his country:

On the occasion of a panel discussion by visarte.bern on the subject of "Culture and Politics", Bern SVP Councilor Thomas Fuchs said that politicians lacked cultural contact persons and that it was the artists' own fault if politicians were not more committed to their concerns would use.

He shares the view with the initiators of the election that Switzerland "absolutely needs such an office and above all a suitable minister of culture."


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