Heinrich Gottlob von Dieskau

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Heinrich Gottlob von Dieskau , currently mostly von Dießkau , (born September 5, 1681 in Audigast , † November 4, 1760 in Zerbst ) was a permanent zerbstian Privy Councilor , Chamber President and manor owner .


He came from the Reuss family of the Saxon noble family von Dieskau and was the son of Hieronymus von Dieskau and his wife Sophia Elisabeth von Große from the Altenhain family. He embarked on an administrative career in the service of the Dukes of Anhalt-Zerbst and became a member of the council and chamber council in Zerbst .

He had the brothers Carl Friedrich, August Geisler and Otto Friedrich von Dieskau, all of whom died without male heirs. Only his only son Johann Friedrich von Dieskau continued the Reußen line in the male line.
