Heinrich Keitler

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Heinrich Keitler (born May 31, 1874 in Vienna ; † April 6, 1937 there ) was an Austrian gynecologist and obstetrician .


Keitler studied medicine at the University of Vienna and joined the Corps Alemannia there, which reciprocated him in 1894. In 1898 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. From 1889 to 1905 he worked at the university women's clinic with Rudolf Chrobak , after he had previously started his medical training at the clinic of Edmund von Neusser and the I. Surgical University Clinic. In 1906 he qualified as a professor for obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Vienna. In 1913 he was appointed head of the gynecological and obstetric ward of the Kaiser Franz Joseph Outpatient Clinic and Jubilee Hospital of the City of Vienna. In 1920 he was appointed associate professor.

Keitler excelled in both diagnostics and surgical techniques. For many years he was one of the most valued obstetricians and gynecological surgeons in Vienna.


  • About the anatomical and functional behavior of the ovaries left in place after extirpation of the uterus . In: Monthly for Obstetrics and Gynecology , Volume 20, 1904, pp. 686 ff.
  • Numerous other articles in specialist journals


Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 131 , 74