Heinrich Knebel

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Heinrich Knebel (born April 13, 1801 in Gemünden , Hunsrück , † March 17, 1859 in Cologne ) was a German high school teacher .


Heinrich Knebel studied Protestant theology at the University of Bonn . In 1820 he became a member of the Corps Rhenania Bonn . In 1824 he became rector of the high school in Simmern and at the same time preacher for the parishes of Ohlweiler and Ravengiersburg . In 1827 he moved to the Moers Progymnasium as vice-principal . In 1829 he became a teacher and, after becoming a Dr. phil. had received his doctorate, senior teacher at the high school on the city wall in Kreuznach . In 1842 he was appointed director of the grammar school and secondary school in Duisburg . In 1845 he moved to the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Cologne in the same function , which he directed until his death.

Knebel was the editor of numerous translations of the ancient classics, wrote treatises on pedagogy and authored textbooks of the French language.


  • News from the Gymnasium at Meurs , 1828.
  • Observationum criticarum in Maximi Tyrii dissertationes , Particula II, 1833.
  • French school grammar for grammar schools and high schools , 1834
  • Meletematum Aristoteliorum. Specimen primum . In: Karl Hoffmeister (Ed.): Program of the Royal High School Kreuznach 1839 . Johann Friedrich Kehr, Kreuznach 1839, pp. 1–15 ( Google Books )
  • A Latin treatise , 1839
  • French reader , 1836; 9th edition 1857.
  • Purpose and meaning of the new memorial plaque - address to the assembled students , 1857.
  • Rhetoric , 1838 (translation of Aristotle's work into German)


  • 15. † Knebel 1, Heinrich . In: Matrikel der Bonner Rhenania 1820 1970 , 1970, pp. 15-16, Volume 4 of the blue books of the Bonner Rhenania .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 26 , 21.