Heinrich Niclaes

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Heinrich Niclaes , (Nikolai) (* 1501 in Münster ; † around 1580) was in the second half of the 16th century the founder of the Familists (Latin Familia caritatis , a love brotherhood), a mystical religious party in England and Holland .


Heinrich Niclaes was an unlearned man and friend of the mystic David Joris , who, after spreading his ideas in Amsterdam, Emden, Cologne, Utrecht, etc., at the time of Edward VI. settled in England, where he won numerous followers. The year of his death is not certain. Basically indifferent to beliefs and all church ceremonies, the Famila only shifted religion to love, which "makes one with God". Nikolai's writings served the members of the movement who lived in unprovoked suspicions for edification and strengthening; they were burned in 1580 on the orders of Queen Elisabeth . Their greatest opponent was Coornhert . The familists themselves disappeared among other communities, notably the Anabaptists , in the following century . The ranters are descendants of them .


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Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Nippold: Zeitschrift für Historische Theologie , 1862