Dirck Volkertszoon Coornhert

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Portrait of Coornhert by Cornelis van Haarlem (1590)

Dirck Volkertszoon Coornhert (* 1522 in Amsterdam ; † October 29, 1590 in Gouda ) was a Dutch poet , scholar , politician and artist .

Coornhert lived in Haarlem from 1542 , where he worked with the painter Maarten van Heemskerck . In 1561 Coornhert became a notary and from 1562 city secretary. When he was imprisoned in The Hague in 1568 for resisting Spanish rule over the Netherlands (see Spanish Netherlands ) , he fled into exile to Kleve and later to Xanten . In 1572 he entered the service of William of Orange as State Secretary during the Eighty Years' War . From 1577 to 1587 Coornhert lived again as a notary in Haarlem, then in Gouda until his death.

Coornhert is considered an opponent of Calvinism and a pioneer of classical literature in the Netherlands. He translated works by Cicero , Seneca and Erasmus , and with “Dolinghe van Ulysse” he created an important epic in Dutch literature .

Factory editions
