Heinrich Prechtler

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Heinrich Prechtler , actually Heinrich Pollak , ( January 26, 1859 in Vienna - August 24, 1917 in Bad Hofgastein , Land Salzburg ) was an Austrian theater actor .


Prechtler prepared for his acting profession at the Niklastheaterschule and began his stage career with an engagement in Budweis.

After returning to Vienna from there, he perfected himself under Eduard Kierschner and was then recommended to Laube by Alexander Strakosch , who engaged him (1876) at the Stadttheater. However, he left the same because of lack of employment, went to Hamburg, then to Leipzig and from there to Breslau, where he made the transition from a young comedian to a young hero and lover. In 1882 he joined the Association of the State Theater in Prague (inaugural role: "Don Karlos") after he had entered into his engagements at the Royal Theater in Berlin (he had already made his debut there as "Ferdinand", "Romeo" and "Don Carlos"), had solved, and worked there in no less meritorious manner than from 1888 to 1889 at the Dresden Court Theater, 1890 at the Berlin Theater and from 1891 to 1897 at the Lessing Theater, from where he and his wife Ferdinande Schmittlein moved to the German Volkstheater and from this stage Burgtheater was committed.

Prechtler always achieved a strong effect through his unobtrusive and yet extremely lively game, as well as the emotional expression that goes to the heart.
