Heinrich Sperling

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Maltese , 1884

Heinrich Sperling (born March 23, 1844 in Warnkenhagen ; † June 20, 1924 in Berlin ) was a German figure and especially animal painter .

He was a student of Carl Steffeck and Paul Friedrich Meyerheim . In 1893 he became a professor. His final resting place is in the south-west cemetery Stahnsdorf . His son Claus Sperling also became a painter.

“Hardly any hunting magazine of that time, probably also of our century, did not contain one or the other hunting dog picture by Sperling. However, his artistic work was not limited to hunting dogs; he also painted, for example, the dogs of the imperial family. "

- Heinrich UHDE: The hunting dog system. 100 years of the Jagdgebrauchshundverband eV (JGHV). Landbuch-Verlag Hannover, 1999, pp. 518/519


Web links

Commons : Heinrich Sperling  - Collection of images, videos and audio files