Heinrich Willers

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Heinrich Willers (born September 30, 1870 in Algermissen near Hildesheim , † July 17, 1915 in Berlin ) was a German archaeologist and numismatist .

Willers was born as the son of a farmer and brickworks owner in Algermissen and raised a Catholic. He attended the Hildesheim high school Andreanum , studied classical philology , history and archeology in Göttingen and Bonn and received his doctorate in Halle in 1898 . He then worked as a librarian and private lecturer , most recently in Berlin. In the last years of his life he mainly dealt with questions of Greek sculpture.

His most important works were the research reports The Roman Bronze Buckets of Hemmoor (1901), New Studies on the Roman Bronze Industry of Capua and Lower Germany (1907) and the History of Roman Copper Coinage from the Allied War to Emperor Claudius (1909).

In memory of Willers, his old high school Andreanum annually awards an honorary prize to pupils with special achievements in the field of ancient languages .


  • Hans Gummel : Biographical reports on German prehistory researchers who died before October 1, 1936. In: Ders .: Research history in Germany. Berlin: De Gruyter, 1938, p. 470.
  • Friedrich Winter: Heinrich Willers 1870–1915. Obituary. In: Prehistoric Journal 7 (1915), pp. 83f.
  • Heinrich Willers † . In: Journal for Numismatics 1920, p. 139.

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Individual evidence

  1. De Verrio Flacco glossarum interprete disputatio critica. Halle, Phil. Diss. V. April 9, 1898.