Heinrich trains

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Heinrich Eduardzüge (born April 28, 1851 in Weißenfels , † January 10, 1902 in Linden ) was a German mathematics teacher.


After graduating from high school in 1870, trains began studying in Leipzig at the Domgymnasium zu Naumburg and passed the pro facultate docendi exam on November 14, 1874. Then he could take over the representation of the diseased mathematician at Domgymnasium and remained there until Easter 1875. This year he was at Heinrich Eduard Heine at the University of Halle Dr. phil. with the Inauguralschrift As to the attraction of a homogeneous ellipsoid PhD . After two years as an assistant teacher at the Andreanum in Hildesheim, he got a job as a full teacher at the Georgianum Lingen grammar school . From 1883 to 1900 he taught at the Royal High School in Wilhelmshaven , from 1900 onLinden high school .




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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Zuege, Heinrich Eduard . In: Franz Kössler: Personal dictionary of teachers of the 19th century. Professional biographies from school annual reports and school programs 1825–1918 with lists of publications. Volume: Zabel - Zymalkowski. Preprint Status: December 18, 2007. University Library Gießen 2008, p. 73.
  2. Biography of Heinrich Eduard Heine . Retrieved September 30, 2016.