Heinrich von Hagen

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Heinrich vom Hagen , also Heinrich von Hagen , (born November 10, 1619 in Berga , † November 28, 1664 in Eisleben ) was a German mining entrepreneur, Swedish major and owner of the Eisleben Oberamt.


Hagen came from a noble family from Eichsfeld , which wrote itself about Hagen , but was mostly referred to as von Hagen . His great-grandfather was the high ducal district administrator of the Archdiocese of Magdeburg Christoph von Hagen , who lived in Quedlinburg , and the grandfather of the mining entrepreneur Otto vom Hagen , who had acquired a fiefdom in Berga in the Goldenen Aue , on which Heinrich vom Hagen was the son of Christoph on November 10, 1619 von Hagen was born. From 1612 onwards, his grandfather had gradually acquired numerous mines in the southern Harz region thanks to sufficient capital resources and the Elector Johann Georg I of Saxony issued his own mining regulations for him on June 9, 1620. After Otto von Hagen's death, Christoph von Hagen led the Mines at Kyffhäuser and Rothenburg continued, but considerable additional fines were required, so that the works sometimes came to a standstill and fell into disrepair.

Due to the turmoil in the Thirty Years War Heinrich vom Hagen entered the military service of the King of Sweden and took part in several campaigns. He rose to the rank of Swedish major and was honorably discharged from military service. He was now mainly in the capital of the county of Mansfeld , in Eisleben, where he had taken over the profitable senior office. Heinrich vom Hagen died here on November 28, 1664. On January 23, 1665, he was buried at the side of his deceased parents and one of his daughters in Eisleben. The funeral sermon given by General Superintendent Mag. Michael Emmerling on this occasion appeared in print.


Heinrich vom Hagen married Catharina Elisabeth, nee von Königsmarck, in 1648, with whom he had several children. She survived her husband and in 1678 sold his mines in the offices of Heringen and Kelbra in Schwarzburg to the Duke August von Sachsen-Weißenfels.

His two surviving sons were Christof Heinrich and Otto Heinrich vom Hagen and three daughters.


  • Threnodia or sad lament of the noble Hagnian house over their four corpses from the lamentations of Jerem. cap. 5th v. 16. 17. The crown of our chief has fallen off: In a Christl. LeichPredigt As [...] Heinrich von Hagen on Berga der Krohn Sweden well-merited majeur, owner of the Gräffl. Manßfeld. OberAmpts Eißleben After the November 28th. deviated 1664th year [...] died beside his before desen also seel. deceased high noble parents and a daughter with handsome Christl. Funeral start on January 23rd. of the 1665th year , Eisleben, Andreas Koch, 1665.
  • Collection of the in the Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and partly also [...] , 1866, p. 151f.

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Individual evidence

  1. Bergordnung of June 9, 1620 (publication)
  2. Threnodia or Traur-Klage [...] , Eisleben, Andreas Koch, 1665.