Heinrich von Suhm

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Heinrich von Suhm (born October 5, 1693 , † January 15, 1744 in Copenhagen ) was a Danish Schoutby Night and governor of Danish Guinea and Danish West Indies .


Heinrich von Suhm came from the Danish aristocratic family Suhm and was a son of the royal Polish and Electoral Saxon secret war and chamber councilor Burchard von Suhm (1666-1720) and the Gesilla von Brüggemann (1672-1711). His first marriage was to Anna Catharina Frörup († 1726). The marriage produced three sons. In 1739 Suhm married Christian Holm's widow, Sophie Elisabeth Benzon (1705–1747), this marriage remained childless, after she was widowed again, she married Admiral Michael Barrel a third time .


Suhm's career began in 1700 as a naval cadet , in 1719 he was promoted to prime lieutenant and in 1723 to lieutenant captain. In 1725 he was a captain , in 1732 he had the rank of commander-in-chief and must have come to the rank of Schoutby Night as a result.

From 1723 to 1727 Suhm was initially Vice-Commander, then Governor General in Christiansburg , Danish Guinea and then, from 1727 to 1733, Governor in the Danish West Indies.


  1. Danmarks Adels Aarbog 45 (1928), Afsnit 2, pp. 119–128
  2. De Vestindiske Øer - biografihistorisk oversigt [1]
  3. ^ List of governors over the Danish West Indies [2]


  • Olaus Heinrich Moller: Historical and genealogical news from the ancient noble family of those von Zaum or Suhm (...). Flensburg (...), 1775