Heinz-Jürgen Rothe

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Heinz-Jürgen Rothe

Heinz-Jürgen Rothe (born November 24, 1946 in Weißensee (Thuringia) ) is a German psychologist and professor of industrial psychology at the University of Potsdam .


Heinz-Jürgen Rothe was born in Weißensee in Thuringia. He attended the boarding school in Schulpforte and graduated from high school here in 1965. This was followed by his studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin (HUB), which he graduated from the Psychology Section in 1970 with a diploma in psychology .

The doctorate to Dr. rer. nat. at the mathematics and natural science faculty of the HUB took place in 1977 with a dissertation on the subject of source structure and signal identification.

In 1987 he completed a subsequent postgraduate course to obtain the professional title of “specialist industrial psychologist”. He obtained his habilitation in occupational psychology at the University of Kassel in 1991 with a habilitation thesis on the subject of capturing and modeling specialist knowledge as the basis for building expert systems.


Rothe began his professional activity in 1970 as a scientific assistant under the direction of Friedhart Klix in the field of basics of cybernetics at the Central Institute for Cybernetics and Information Processes of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR . In 1973 he changed as a research assistant (until 1976) in the department of industrial and engineering psychology under the direction of Klaus-Peter Timpe and as a scientific secretary (until 1982) in the psychology section of the Humboldt University in Berlin .

From 1983 to 1985 Rothe was a consultant at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Havana in Cuba . From 1986 to 1991 he was senior research assistant and head of the department of work and engineering psychology in the psychology section of the Humboldt University in Berlin.

From 1991 to 1995 Rothe held substitute professorships in the fields of ergonomics and industrial, industrial and organizational psychology at the Universities of Kassel , Trier and Leipzig . He then worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Psychology at the University of Potsdam until 1999. In 2000, he was a visiting professor in the field of applied psychology at the University of Innsbruck in Austria . From 2001 until his retirement in 2011, he was professor of industrial psychology at the University of Potsdam .

Research priorities

In his research work, Rothe dealt in particular with the following subjects:

  • Perceptual psychological problems with activities in human-machine systems,
  • Information presentation in traffic control centers,
  • Knowledge acquisition and knowledge modeling for expert systems,
  • Knowledge diagnostics and knowledge management,
  • Development of procedures for work and stress analysis,
  • work-related mental disorders,
  • Corporate Health Management.

Rothe has put down his research results in more than 70 scientific publications on the topics mentioned.

Memberships and functions

  • Member (1972) and board member of the Work and Engineering Psychology Section of the Society for Psychology of the GDR (1987–1990),
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board for Road Safety Research in the GDR (1979–1982),
  • Member of the German Society for Psychology since 1991,
  • Member of the expert group on modern work and service concepts at the BMBF's work and technology project management agency (1994–1998),
  • Chairman of the Competence Center Human-Health-Work e. V. at the University of Potsdam,
  • Member of the organizing committee of the 29th International Congress for Psychology 2008 in Berlin (2004–2008).
  • since 2009 member of the Leibniz Society of Sciences in Berlin
  • since 2010 member of the Presidium of the Leibniz Society and Secretary of the Plenary.


  • H.-J. Rothe, R. Seifert, K.-P. Timpe: Psychological investigations on receiving and processing of information during work in automated industry. In: F. Klix, B. Krause (eds.): Psychological Research Humboldt University Berlin 1960–1980. German Science Publishing House, Berlin 1980.
  • Characteristics of human decoding services for determining action-relevant information. In: Journal of Psychology. 200, 1992, pp. 269-286.
  • Acquisition and modeling of specialist knowledge as the basis for building expert systems. Part 1: Starting conditions and conception. In: Journal of Psychology. 202/3, 1994, pp. 201-215; Part 2: Critical method analyzes. In: Journal of Psychology. 202/4, 1994, pp. 321-348.
  • H.-J. Rothe, H. Kolrep (Ed.): Psychological knowledge and methods as a basis for the design of human-machine systems. Center for Human Machine Systems (ZMMS), Berlin 1996.
  • Knowledge diagnosis on the basis of association and structure laying. In: L. v. Rosenstiel , J. Erpenbeck (Hrsg.): Handbook of competence measurement. 2nd Edition. Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-7910-2477-6 .
  • H.-J. Rothe, U. Debitz, A.-M. Metz: Working in call centers - working on a virtual assembly line? In: E. Bamberg, A. Ducki, A.-M. Metz (Ed.): Health promotion and health management in the world of work. A manual. Hogrefe, Göttingen 2011.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinz-Jürgen Rothe, Rosemarie Seifert: Source structure and signal identification. Dissertation . Humboldt University, Berlin 1976. DNB 780734653