Heinz FW Hinze

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Heinz FW Hinze (born April 18, 1921 in Ludwigslust ; † January 26, 2012 in Leinfelden-Echterdingen -Musberg) was a German publicist , he was editor-in-chief of the book series Hobby Bücherei .

Hinze obtained the interpreter's diploma for English at the University of Hamburg in 1941 and studied history, literature and languages ​​at the University of Rostock from 1947 to 1949. From 1949 he worked as a journalist and translator. In 1955 Hinze translated the book Die Pest zu London by Daniel Defoe for the Mitteldeutscher Verlag in Leipzig. Between 1966 and 1972 he was editor-in-chief for the 31-volume hobby library of Ehapa Verlag . After 1972, Hinze published numerous historical treatises.


  • Heinz FW Hinze in Authors in Baden-Württemberg . Literary Society Karlsruhe. Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  • Heinz FW Hinze: Calendar pages on contemporary history 1930 - 1990: collected for the pleasure of asking and telling . Edition Historia-Drucke, Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2006.

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