Heinz Fischer (painter)

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Heinz Fischer (born March 8, 1910 in Weißenfels , † October 17, 1998 in Weimar ) was a Weimar painter and graphic artist .

After studying at the University of Fine Arts in Weimar with Walther Klemm , where he became a master class early in 1932 , Fischer settled down as a painter with a studio in the Prellerhaus in Weimar . He particularly distinguished himself in landscape and still life painting , but also in the graphic implementation of portraits and figurative scenes. His graphics, especially from the 1930s and 40s, are influenced by the Weimar School, later works, mostly oil paintings and watercolors, often depict Thuringian landscapes.

Committed to military service, he was wounded twice between 1939 and 1945, most recently life-threatening. He found healing in various hospitals in order to devote himself to new goals in life. He started a family, took part in the reconstruction and in 1946 joined the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR (VBK) and the SED . But dogmatic regulations soon clouded his new optimism. After leaving the SED in 1948, he was expelled from the Association of Visual Artists (VBK). As a result, it became difficult for Fischer to get orders and keep his studio. For many years art became a hobby, even if his employment as a technical draftsman was in a similar field. After an exhibition in 1964 in the art gallery on Goetheplatz in Weimar, there was hardly any public appreciation of his work for a long time. It wasn't until the late 1980s and 1990s that it received the previously denied attention. Exhibitions in 1990 in the Stephanus Church in Weimar-Schöndorf , 1992 in the Thuringian State Parliament , 1993 in the Greizer Castle Museum and 1995 in the Weimar City Museum should be mentioned. From March 7, 2010 to April 24, 2010 there was an exhibition for Heinz Fischer's 100th birthday in the Weimar Marie-Seebach -Stift.