Heinz Krug (arms dealer)

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Heinz Krug (* around 1912 ; lost 1962 ) was a German lawyer and dealer in weapons technology .


During his studies Krug became a member of the Raczek fraternity in Breslau . Krug joined the NSDAP in 1933 ( membership number 1.971.204). During the Second World War he worked in Peenemünde on the German missile program under Wernher von Braun . On December 12, 1946, Heinz Krug married his wife Margot. Their daughter Beate Krug was born in 1947, their son Kaj in 1951. On July 14, 1960, he had "Intra-Handelsgesellschaft mbH" entered in the Stuttgart commercial register. In addition, Krug headed the Munich agency of United Arab Airlines . He participated in a missile program in Egypt, among other things with the delivery of the necessary material and technology.


Heinz Krug disappeared from Munich on September 11, 1962 without a trace. Two days later his Mercedes 300 SE was found.

Various media have suspected Mossad or Egyptian involvement in the affair involving German rocket experts in Egypt . The Israeli magazine HaBoker suspected a kidnapping and murder by Egypt in 1962.

The name Otto Skorzeny was also mentioned later . According to a report by Haaretz in 2016, Krug met Otto Skorzeny, who shot him on behalf of Israel and, together with helpers, showered his body with acid and buried it in a forest.

According to research published in 2018 by the Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman , Krug was kidnapped from Munich, brought to Israel via Marseille , interrogated there for months, killed on behalf of Isser Harel north of Tel Aviv and then thrown into the sea from an Israeli Air Force plane .


  • Ronen Bergman : The Shadow War. Israel and the Mossad's secret killings. DVA, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-421-04596-6 .
  • Beate Krug, Kaj R. Krug: rocket jug. The mysterious disappearance of our father. 2016, ISBN 978-3-7766-2800-5 .
  • Susanne Benöhr-Laqueur: In the crosshairs . Review of the book by Beate Soller-Krug and Kaj Krug: On the banks of the Nile. Our father "Raketen-Krug" and the Mossad , Stuttgart 2018.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mossad killed a German businessman - kidnapped, shot, thrown from the plane. In: Spiegel Online , January 19, 2018
  2. Beate Soller-Krug, Kaj Krug: On the banks of the Nile. Our father rocket pitcher and the Mossad. Munich 2018.
  3. a b Waffen SS officer Otto Skorzeny. How Hitler's darling became a Mossad killer. In: Stern , March 29, 2016
  4. a b Rocket Jug - Friends of the Bride . In: Der Spiegel . No. 40 , 1962, pp. 48-49 ( Online - Oct. 3, 1962 ).
  5. The Mossad needed a Nazi. In: Die Zeit , April 21, 2016
  6. Willi Winkler : The targeted killing of Heinz Krug. In: Politics. Süddeutsche Zeitung , January 22, 2018, accessed on January 23, 2018 : “In the autumn of 1962, the Israeli secret service kidnapped a well-known businessman in the middle of Munich. The BND knows. "
  7. ^ The Strange Case of a Nazi Who Became an Israeli Hitman. In: Haaretz , March 27, 2016
  8. Author: Mossad is said to have killed 3,000 people. Israeli journalist wrote book about secret service. In: Der Standard , January 19, 2018
  9. Ronen Bergman: The Shadow War. Israel and the Mossad's secret killings. A SPIEGEL book. 2018, ISBN 978-3-421-04596-6
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