Heinz Zourek

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Heinz Zourek (born December 9, 1950 in Vienna ) is an Austrian EU civil servant and has been Director General of the Taxation and Customs Union of the European Union since 2012 .


Zourek studied economics at the University of Vienna . He then worked for the Chamber of Labor . From 1990 to 1993 he headed the economic department at the Austrian Federation of Trade Unions . He was then a member of the College of the EFTA Surveillance Authority until 1995 . He moved to the EU Commission , initially as Deputy Director General of the Internal Market Directorate-General until 2001. He then headed the Directorate-General Enterprise and Industry from 2005 to 2012 and the Directorate-General Taxation and Customs Union from February 2012 to the end of 2015 . Zourek has been a member of the European Commission 's ethics committee since July 2016 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Corporate Europe Observatory: The who, what and why of the Commission's Ad hoc Ethical Committee. , September 15, 2016 (accessed on February 6, 2017; German translation: The who what and why of the EU Commission's ad hoc ethics committee. Wunderhaft.blogspot.co.at).