Helfried Reinnagel

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Helfried Reinnagel (born January 11, 1934 in Graz , † September 7, 2007 in Berlin ) was a German athlete who - starting for the GDR - was successful as a middle-distance runner in the 1950s . On August 9, 1958 in Poznań he was involved in a world record of a 4 x 1,500 meter relay of the GDR (15: 11.4 min: Siegfried Herrmann , Klaus Richtzenhain , Siegfried Valentin , Helfried Reinnagel).

In 1957 he was second in the World Student Games (1: 48.5 min).

Helfried Reinnagel was GDR champion in the 800 meter run in 1954, 1955, 1957 and 1958, GDR champion in the 4 x 400 meter run in 1957 and 1958 and GDR champion in the 3 x 1,000 meter run in 1953 Run.

He initially belonged to the sports club Dynamo Potsdam , from 1954 to the SC Dynamo Berlin . During his competition time he was 1.85 m tall and 69 kg heavy. In 1961 he married the sprinter Bärbel Mayer .

On September 30, 1969 , Reinnagel received his doctorate from the medical faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin .


  • Changes in cardiorespiratory functional parameters in the course of running training . Dissertation at Humboldt University, Berlin 1969


  • Klaus Amrhein: Biographical manual on the history of German athletics 1898–2005 . 2 volumes. Darmstadt 2005 published on German Athletics Promotion and Project Society
  • Eberhard Bock u. a .: Run yourself healthy! And other cardio training programs . Sportverlag, Berlin 1981

Web links

Commons : Helfried Reinnagel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files