Helleborus caucasicus

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Helleborus caucasicus
Helleborus caucasicus

Helleborus caucasicus

Order : Buttercups (Ranunculales)
Family : Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae)
Subfamily : Ranunculoideae
Tribe : Helleboreae
Genre : Nieswurz ( Helleborus )
Type : Helleborus caucasicus
Scientific name
Helleborus caucasicus
A. Braun

Helleborus caucasicus is a species ofthe buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). It isnative tothe Caucasus .


It is an evergreen plant with a short rhizome . The long-stalked, lobed basal leaves are leathery and are 20 to 60 cm × 15 to 40 cm in size. The one to three flowers per stem are up to 4 cm in size. A mature plant can have up to 20 flowering stems.


The Caucasian hellebore occurs wild in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus ( Talysh Mountains , Transcaucasus ) and Asia Minor. It grows in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Ingredients and meaning

2 different sapogenins and 4 different polyhydroxylated and polyunsaturated furostanol glycosides , so-called caucasicosides, were detected in the roots and rhizomes . 20-Hydroxyecdysone and spirostane were detected in the leaves . The butanolic extract from the underground parts has a cytotoxic effect and the isolated steroids are potential active ingredients in cancer therapy by inducing apoptosis of cancer cells and downregulating the regulator GRP78 .


Helleborus caucasicus belongs to the genus of hellebore within the buttercup family . In some cases, however, the species is viewed as a synonym for Helleborus orientalis .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Helleborus caucasicus , Oriental Plants from Russia . Retrieved April 5, 2018 .
  2. ^ A b Maria Cornelia Maior, Cristina Dobrotă: Natural compounds with important medical potential found in Helleborus sp. In: Central European Journal of Biology . tape 8 , no. 3 , 2013, p. 272-285 , doi : 10.2478 / s11535-013-0129-x ( degruyter.com [PDF]).
  3. Stefania Martucciello, Gaetana Paolella, Tamara Muzashvili, Alexandre Skhirtladze, Cosimo Pizza, Ivana Caputo, Sonia Piacente: Steroids from Helleborus caucasicus reduce cancer cell viability inducing apoptosis and GRP78 down-regulation . In: Chemico-Biological Interactions . tape 279 , 2018, p. 43-50 , doi : 10.1016 / j.cbi.2017.11.002 ( sciencedirect.com ).
  4. Helleborus caucasicus A. Braun. Accessed April 7, 2018 .
  5. Helleborus caucasicus A. Braun. Accessed April 7, 2018 .
  6. Botanic Gardens Conservation International: Helleborus caucasicus A. Braun. Accessed April 7, 2018 .

Web links

Commons : Helleborus caucasicus  - collection of images, videos and audio files