Helmuth Reichel

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Helmuth Reichel (born October 12, 1925 in Munich ) is a Swiss organist , conductor and composer .

Helmuth Reichel was born and raised in Munich as a Swiss Abroad of German-Russian origin. He started playing the piano at the age of eight and the organ at the age of eleven. In 1939 he emigrated to Switzerland, where his family had had citizenship since 1869. After studying music in Bern , Einsiedeln and Nuremberg , he was hired as an organist at the Guthirt Church in Zurich and shortly thereafter completed his studies at the Zurich Conservatory. In 1948 he gave the first organ concerts. Helmuth Reichel was also engaged for a short time in the St Martinskirche in Zurich Fluntern, where he was the organist.

Reichel's training took place under Günther Ramin , and he received significant musical impulses from Edwin Fischer , Wilhelm Furtwängler , Pablo Casals and Paul Hindemith . In 1961 he became organist in the Reformed Church in Zurich-Oerlikon and worked there until his retirement. Reichel founded the Bach Choir in Zurich and regularly gives organ and choir concerts with it in the Tonhalle Zurich .

Helmuth Reichel lives in Arni AG and teaches an organ class at the Wettingen Cantonal School , among other things .

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Individual evidence

  1. http://bmlo.de/r0252