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Autumn Lorchel (Helvella crispa)

Autumn Lorchel ( Helvella crispa )

Department : Ascomycota mushrooms
Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Pezizomycetes
Order : Cuplets (Pezizales)
Family : Lorchel relatives (Helvellaceae)
Genre : Lorelels
Scientific name

The Lorelels ( Helvella ) are a genus of mushrooms from the family of Lorchel relatives (Helvellaceae).

The type species is the Herbst-Lorchel ( Helvella crispa , Syn. H. mitra ).


Macroscopic features

The thin-fleshed, mostly brittle fruiting bodies of the lorels are relatively large apothecia , which are divided into a hat and a stem. The head part has a fertile cover layer and a sterile outside, the shape of the head can be cup-shaped, saddle-shaped or turned down. The ribbed or non-ribbed stem is hollow and goes cylindrical to conical into the head part. The fruiting bodies are colored white-gray to brown-black.

Microscopic features

The tubes that do not blue with iodine each contain 8 elliptical spores that are filled with one large and sometimes several smaller drops.


The Lorelels are ground-dwelling saprobionts .


The genus contains around 40 species worldwide. Some authors put some species in their own genera. The following species occur or are to be expected in Europe:

Lorelels ( Helvella ) in Europe
German name Scientific name Author quote
Highly ribbed cup Lorchel Helvella acetabulum (Linnaeus 1753: Fries 1822) Quélet 1886
Black-brown mug Lorchel Helvella aestivalis (R. Heim & L. Remy 1926) Dissing & Raitviir 1974
Whitish Lorchel Helvella albella
(described as Elvela albella )
Quélet 1896
Matt black Lorchel Helvella alpestris Boudier 1895
Arctic Mug Lorchel Helvella arctalpina
(described as arct-alpina )
Harmaja 1977
Black Lorchel Helvella atra J. König 1772: Frieze 1822
Bohemian Lorchel Helvella branzeziana Svrček & J. Moravec 1968
Milk-stalked Lorchel Helvella capucina Quélet 1877
Small beaker Lorchel Helvella confusa Harmaja 1977
Leathery Lorchel Helvella corium (O. Weberbauer 1873) Massee 1895
Off-white mug Lorchel Helvella costifera Nannfeldt 1953
Autumn Lorchel Helvella crispa (Scopoli 1772: Frieze 1822) Frieze 1822
Cup-shaped Lorchel Helvella cupuliformis Dissing & Nannfeldt 1966
Black leather Lorchel Helvella dovrensis T. Schumacher 1992
Elastic Lorchel Helvella elastica Bulliard 1785: Frieze 1822
Sattel-Lorchel Helvella ephippium Léveillé 1841
Felty or woolly long-footed Helvella fibrosa (Wallroth 1833) Korf 2008
Dark brown Lorchel Helvella fusca Gillet 1879
Little Lorchel Helvella helvellula (Durieu 1849) Dissing 1966
Helvella juniperi M. Filippa & Baiano 1999
Milky white Lorchel Helvella lactea Boudier 1907
Pit Lorchel Helvella lacunosa Afzelius 1783: Frieze 1822
Pale gray Lorchel Helvella latispora Boudier 1898
Black and white mug Lorchel Helvella leucomelaena (Persoon 1822) Nannfeldt 1941
Gray long-footed Helvella macropus (Persoon 1795: Fries 1822) P. Karsten 1871
Long-pored Becher Lorchel Helvella oblongispora Harmaja 1978
Cup-shaped Lorchel Helvella pezizoides Afzelius 1783: Frieze 1822
Ring-stemmed Lorchel Helvella phlebophora Patouillard & Doassans 1886
Helvella rivularis Dissing & Sivertsen 1980
Ear-shaped Lorchel Helvella silvicola (Beck 1889) Harmaja 1974
Ribbed Lorchel Helvella solitaria P. Karsten 1871
Brown purple Lorchel Helvella spadicea
(described as Elvela spadicea )
Schaeffer 1774
Helvella terrestris (Velenovský 1934) Landvik 1999


The scientific generic name is derived from the Latin helvus = yellow.


  • Achim Bollmann, Andreas Gminder, Peter Reil: List of illustrations of large European mushrooms, 4th edition. Generic CD. Black Forest mushroom teaching show, Hornberg. 2007. ISSN  0932-920X .
  • Heinrich Dörfelt , Gottfried Jetschke (Ed.): Dictionary of mycology. 2nd Edition. Spectrum Academic Publishing House, Heidelberg / Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-8274-0920-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl von Linné : Helvella miter . In: Species Plantarum 1. 1753.
  2. Eric Strittmatter: The genus Helvella . On: fungiworld.com. Mushroom Taxa Database. February 28, 2010. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  3. Helmut Genaust: Etymological dictionary of botanical plant names. 3rd, completely revised and expanded edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2005, ISBN 3-937872-16-7 , p. 379 (reprint from 1996).

Web links

Commons : Helvella  - collection of images, videos and audio files
Wiktionary: Lorchel  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations