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Nuclear eudicotyledons
Eurosiden I
Order : Wood sorrel (Oxalidales)
Family : Connaraceae
Genre : Hemandradenia
Scientific name

Hemandradenia is a plant kind from the family of connaraceae .


Hemandradenia are shrubs or small trees . The actually compound leaves only have one leaflet . The inflorescence is a panicle or a glomerulus, the heterodistyled flowers are hermaphroditic and usually five-fold, rarely four to seven-fold.

The petals are outside and inside hairy, as did the stamens and the stylus . There is only one carpel , the fruit is a sessile follicle , densely tomentose on the outside and bare inside and does not open during or after ripening.

The seeds are individually attached to the inside of the bellows and have a fleshy outer layer, the so-called sarcotesta , which completely envelops the seeds. The endosperm is thin to plentiful, the radicle is pointed.


The genus is ancient , the species can be found in West and Central Africa.


The genus is placed in the tribe Connareae of the family. There are only two types:


  • RHMJ Lemmens et al .: Connaraceae. In: Klaus Kubitzki (Ed.): The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants . Volume 6: Flowering Plants, Dicotyledons: Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales . Springer, Berlin / Heidelberg / New York 2004, ISBN 3-540-06512-1 , pp. 74–81 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).