Henning Leptzow

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Henning Leptzow , also Leptzowe ( bl. 1421/1422) was a Mecklenburg painter and carver.


Remains of the "Leptzow Altar" in Parchim (2014)
Altar in the village church in Kirchdorf, Poel

Henning Leptzow's life data have not been determined. He was a painter, carver and citizen of the city of Wismar . His main work is named after him as "Leptzow Altar" altarpiece of the parish church of St. Georgen in Parchim . The order for this altar with the working conditions dated November 29, 1421 is documented by the received work contract , certified by the Schwerin cleric and notary Nicolaus Craghe , which also enables an exact dating of the work. Leptzow then gave the parish a good price,

"[...] which, in view of the fine gold plating required and performed, is enormously lower: vacant apartment and wood and 210 Luebian marks , whereas the master was supposed to live in Parchim for the duration of this work and was not allowed to take on any other work."

- Karl Ernst Hermann Krause : Leptzowe, Henning. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie.

Georg Christian Friedrich Lisch recognized the value of the retable after a disfiguring "restoration" in 1844.

Another attribution to Henning Leptzow is the main altar of the Kirchdorf village church on the island of Poel at the gates of Wismar.


Web links

Commons : Henning Leptzow  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lisch: The high altar of the S. Georgen Church in Parchim. Pp. 373-374 ( dfg-viewer.de ).
  2. ^ Anna Elisabeth Albrecht , Stephan Albrecht : The medieval winged altars of the Hanseatic city of Wismar. Ludwig Verlag, Kiel 1998, p. 43.