Carl Ludwig von Schramm

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Ernst Christian Friedrich Karl Ludwig von Schramm (ennobled in 1808; * 1740 in Drossen ; † April 1, 1815 in Graudenz ) was a Prussian major general .


Schramm joined the Prussian artillery in 1758 . He took part in the Seven Years' War , in particular the battles near Hochkirch , Kunersdorf , Torgau and Freiberg , as well as the sieges of Schweidnitz and Kolberg . He was taken prisoner near Kunersdorf, but was exchanged. In 1760 he was a bombardier and advanced, in 1761 to a fireworker , 1762 to secondary lieutenant and 1777 to staff captain and fireworks master in the field artillery corps Schramm also took part in the War of the Bavarian Succession . In 1789 he was promoted to captain and company commander in the 3rd Artillery Regiment . During the First Coalition , he earned the order Pour le Mérite during the siege of Mainz . In 1793 he was promoted to major . In 1797 he became lieutenant colonel and head of the garrison artillery company in Graudenz and the Prussian-Pomeranian fortress artillery. He was promoted to colonel in 1803 and first commandant of Graudenz in 1806 . From July to August 1807 he temporarily led the governor's business for Field Marshal Courbière in Graudenz . In 1808 Schramm was ennobled and in the same year it was dimitted with 800 Taler pension .


Schramm married Anna Sophie Karoline Margarethe Gleditsch (1746–1811), daughter of Johann Gottlieb Gleditsch, in Berlin in 1778 . Since his marriage remained childless, he adopted the artillery lieutenant Ludwig Protzen (1777-1856) as a widower in 1811 . He was raised to the hereditary Prussian nobility in 1812 with the predicate "Protzen von Schramm", rose to major general and married the niece of his adoptive father, Wilhelmine Siebmann.


Individual evidence

  1. According to Priesdorff (lit.) he was born in the Mittelmark ; according to Malinowsky / Bonin (lit.) he died in Berlin.
  2. Berlinische Nachrichten von Staats- und learned things. 1815, obituary
  3. Gustaf Lehmann: The knights of the order pour le mérite. Volume 1, Mittler , Berlin 1913, p. 264, no. 413.
  4. Maximilian Gritzner : Chronological register of the Brandenburg-Prussian class elevations and acts of grace from 1600–1873. Berlin 1874, p. 74.
  5. Maximilian Gritzner: Chronological register of the Brandenburg-Prussian class elevations and acts of grace from 1600–1873. Berlin 1874, p. 76.
  6. ^ Kurt von Priesdorff: Soldatisches Führertum. Volume 6, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt Hamburg, undated [Hamburg], undated [1938], DNB 367632810 , 90-91, no. 1720.