Ludwig Protzen von Schramm

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Schramm coat of arms and
Protzen von Schramm

Johann Ludwig Valentin Protzen , since 1811 Protzen von Schramm (born August 3, 1777 in Usedom , † May 25, 1856 in Breslau ) was a Prussian major general .



Ludwig was the son of the field preacher, provost and superintendent in Pyritz Gottlieb Friedrich Valentin Protzen (1743–1796) and his wife Johanna Katharina Elisabeth, née Auerbach (1740–1795).

Military career

Protzen received his education at the grammar school in Szczecin . He joined the artillery of the Prussian Army on June 26, 1796 and was promoted to second lieutenant in the 2nd artillery regiment until September 1806 . In the Fourth Coalition War he took part in the defense of Graudenz and was given the task of fetching 2,000 quintals of gunpowder from the Küstrin fortress . Despite persecution by the French, Protzen succeeded in this undertaking and on December 8, 1809, he received a public commendation in a handwritten letter from the king .

On February 21, 1809 he was transferred to the Artillery of the Brandenburg Artillery Brigade . During the Wars of Liberation Protzen fought near Großgörschen , received the Iron Cross II class for Bautzen and the Order of St. Anna III for Kulm . Class. He also took part in the fights near Leipzig and Haynau and was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir IV Class with a ribbon for Mouty . On June 1, 1814, he joined the Guards Artillery Brigade , where he was promoted to captain until July 1815 .

After the war, Protzen was appointed head of the 1st Riding Guards Artillery Company on March 16, 1816 . With his promotion to major on October 21, 1824, he took over the 3rd division of the Guards Artillery Brigade. On January 24, 1832, he was assigned to lead the 6th Artillery Brigade and on March 30, 1834, Protzen was appointed brigadier. In this position, he was on 30 March 1837 Lieutenant Colonel and on March 30, 1839 Colonel promoted. Protzen took his leave on January 28, 1844 with a pension under the character of major general and the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves. He died on May 25, 1856 in Breslau.


After the war, Protzen married Wilhelmine Siebmann (1778–1863) in Graudenz on August 3, 1807. She was the niece of General von Schramm and brought into the marriage a son from the relationship with Lieutenant von Natzmer , whom Protzen later adopted. In addition, he was adopted by General von Schramm himself on November 18, 1811 and raised to the Prussian nobility under the name Protzen von Schramm .

Several children emerged from the marriage:

  • Karl Ludwig Friedrich Valentin (1810–1837), Prussian Second Lieutenant of the 5th Artillery Brigade ⚭ 1836 Virginie Elmire Johanne Luise Antonie von Ledebur (1811–1873). She married after his death on December 4, 1850 with the directorate Siebrandt († 1857)
  • Ernst Rudolf Valentin (1818–1889), Prussian lieutenant colonel in the 1st Cuirassier Regiment ⚭ Mathilde Anna Wolfs (* 1830)


Individual evidence

  1. Anton Fahne: History of the Westphalian families with special consideration of their relocation to Prussia, Curland and Liefland. P. 269