Henning Rantzau

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Henning Rantzau (also: Henning Rantzow) ( bl. 1521 ; † 1531 ) was provost of the noble monastery in Uetersen .


Nothing is known about Henning Rantzau's origins. He may be identical to Henning Rantzau from Holstein , who enrolled at the University of Rostock in the summer of 1514 . In 1527 he became provost of the Uetersen monastery as the successor to Johann von der Wisch . It was first mentioned in a letter from Pinneberger Drosten Hans Barner to Clement von der Wisch in 1543: … now I know the previous prawests… alse jw broder zeliger and Rantzauen… so wete gy, dat jw desulve (Propstei) uth gnaden eats thogesteldt by residing grave Jost von Schaumburgh. It also appears in a notarial instrument dated November 12, 1580 by the notary Johannes Faust, in which the priest Dorothea von der Wisch was interviewed, who said: Darnegest Anno the little thall xxi Mr. Johan von der Wisch, who was also a Domher tho Schleßwigk ; negest dussem, one by the name of Henning Rantzow, darna Jost Eigenhusen, welcker up Vorbede Weiland Count Johans tho Schauwenborch… . Henning Rantzau died in 1531 and was succeeded by Jost Ingenhusen (Eigenhusen).


  • Johann Friedrich Camerer : Mixed historical-political news in letters from some strange areas of the duchies Schleßwig and Hollstein, their natural history and other rare antiquities. (1758–1762)
  • Detlef Detlefsen : History of the Holstein Elbmarschen. Volume 2 (1892)
  • Hans Ferdinand Bubbe : Attempt of a chronicle of the city and the monastery Uetersen. Volume 1, Chapter I, p. 56, 1932.
  • Erwin Freytag : List of provosts and priories at the Cistercian nunnery and later Adlid monastery in Uetersen. Yearbook for the Pinneberg district , 1970
  • Society for Schleswig-Holstein History: Journal of the Society for Schleswig-Holstein History. Volume 101, pp. 85 and 88 (1976)
  • Elsa Plath-Langheinrich : The monastery at the Uetersten End. CDC Heydorns Verlag 2008, ISBN 978-3-934816-04-6
  • Elsa Plath-Langheinrich: Uetersen Monastery in Holstein. Wachholtz Verlag 2009

Individual evidence

  1. Doris Meyn: List of provosts and priories of the Uetersen monastery up to the end of the 17th century, p. 85
  2. Registration of Henning Rantzau in the Rostock matriculation portal .
predecessor Office successor
Johann von der Wisch Provost of the Uetersen Monastery
Jost Ingenhusen