Henri Roorda

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Henri Philippe Benjamin Roorda van Eysinga (born November 30, 1870 in Brussels , † November 7, 1925 in Lausanne ) was a Swiss teacher, writer and anarchist.


Henri Roorda's father was the Dutch colonial official and anarchist Sicco Roorda . From 1872 they lived in Clarens on Lake Geneva and shared their Swiss exile with supporters of the failed Paris Commune and with emigrated anarchists . Roorda studied mathematics at the University of Lausanne and became a mathematics teacher in Lausanne in 1892 . He wrote mathematical textbooks that were published by Payot . Roorda was an anti-authoritarian teacher who published his educational ideas with Francesc Ferrer , the essays had titles such as L'École et le savoir inutile and L'écolier est un prévenu . In the spirit of Ferrer, who was executed in Spain in 1909, he was involved in the reform movement La Ligue Internationale pour l'Éducation rationnelle de l'Enfance and in the École Ferrer de Lausanne.

From 1915 he published, some under the pseudonym Balthasar, small papers and tracts that appeared between 1917 and 1925 in various newspapers in western Switzerland , such as the Tribune de Genève and his "Almanach Balthasar", and also wrote for anarchist magazines such as Les Temps nouveaux and La Revue blanche .

He became famous posthumously with his last writing Mon Suicide . The suicide he committed with a gun.

A Roorda company was founded in Lausanne in 2003.

Works (selection)

  • L'École et l'apprentissage de la docilité (1898)
  • Mon internationalisme sentimental (1915)
  • Le pédagogue n'aime pas les enfants . (1917)
    • The teacher has no feeling for the child . Translation by Emil Roniger . Erlenbach-Zurich: Rotapfel-Verl., 1920
  • À prendre ou à laisser (1919)
  • Le Roseau pensotant (1923)
  • Les Almanachs Balthasar (1923–1926)
  • Le débourrage de crâne est-il possible? (1924)
  • Avant la grande reforme de l'an 2000 (1925)
  • Le Rire et les rieurs (1925)
  • Mon suicide (1926)
    • My suicide . Translation of Yla M. von Dach. Biel: Verlag die brotsuppe, 2010
  • Oeuvres complètes , 1969
  • A lukewarm planet with lice: contemplations of a world citizen . Translation of Yla M. von Dach. Biel: publish the bread soup, 2011


  • Hugues Lenoir: Henri Roorda ou le zèbre pédagogue . Geneva: Bibliothèque Romande, 2010
  • Henri Roorda et l'humour zèbre . Lausanne, Éditions HumuS, 2009
  • Edmond Gilliard : À Henri Roorda - L'École contre la Vie , Geneva: Bibliothèque Romande, 1973
  • René Fonjallaz : A la mémoire de Henri Roorda. Lausanne 1928

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Sicco Ernst Willem Roorda van Eysinga, 1825-1887
  2. Samuel Moser: Monsieurs Halb-Luftfahrt , in: NZZ , March 26, 2016, p. 26