Herbert Gollnow

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Portrait photo by Herbert Gollnow
Stolperstein , Feldzeugmeisterstraße 5, in Berlin-Moabit

Herbert Gollnow (born July 13, 1911 in Berlin ; † February 12, 1943 there ) was a German resistance fighter, consulate secretary and first lieutenant in the Air Force.


After graduating from high school in March 1931, Gollnow began training with the Reichsbahn and did voluntary military service with the Air Force in 1936/37 . After being appointed Reichsbahn inspector, he joined the Foreign Office in November 1938 to prepare for service as consulate secretary . During this time, he began language studies at the Faculty of Foreign Studies and became friends with the lecturer Mildred Harnack . In June 1940 he was drafted into the Air Force and in autumn 1941 transferred to the Abwehr Office, where he worked as a consultant for airborne troops and paratroopers in Division II.

On 19 October 1942 he was by the Gestapo - Sonderkommando Rote Kapelle arrested. Because of his active resistance against the Nazi regime and his contacts to Harro Schulze-Boysen and other participants from the Berlin groups of the Red Orchestra , he was elected by the 2nd Senate of the Reich Court Martial on December 15, 1942 under Senate President Alexander Kraell from the Chief Justice Manfred Roeder of the " Betrayal of military secrets ”. Herbert Gollnow was executed on February 12, 1943 at the Tegel shooting range.


  • Gert Rosiejka: The Red Chapel. "Treason" as an anti-fascist resistance. Results publisher: Hamburg 1986, ISBN 3-925622-16-0
  • Shareen Blair Brysac: Resisting Hitler. Mildred Harnack and the Red Orchestra. Oxford University Press 2000, ISBN 0-19-515240-9
  • Hans Coppi : Harro Schulze-Boysen - Paths to Resistance , Fölbach Verlag, Koblenz 1995, 2nd edition, ISBN 3-923532-28-8

Web links

Commons : Herbert Gollnow  - Collection of images, videos and audio files