Herbert Springl

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Herbert Springl (born May 1, 1924 , † March 7, 1970 ) was a German lawyer and local politician of the SPD .


Springl worked as a lawyer and was a member of the SPD from 1956 to 1961. For the party, he first moved into the city council of the Upper Bavarian city of Rosenheim . After the death of Mayor Josef Sebald (SPD), he was elected his successor on November 6, 1960 with 62.3% of the votes.

After the public prosecutor had seized a suitcase with pornographic images in his office that fell under the then criminal law paragraph 184 ( distribution of pornographic literature ), he was suspended on March 12, 1961 and resigned on March 19, 1961. Shortly afterwards he also resigned from the SPD.

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