Autumn (1976)

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German title autumn
Original title Осень (Ossen)
Country of production USSR
original language Russian
Publishing year 1976
length 93 minutes
Director Andrei Smirnov
script Andrei Smirnov
production Mosfilm
music Alfred Schnittke
camera Alexander Knjaschinsky
cut L. Raewoi

Autumn ( Осень Ossen ) is a Soviet feature film directed by Andrei Smirnov from the year 1976 .


Alexandra Nikitina, called Sascha, divorced, an engineer, and the married doctor Ilya Lumaschew, both in their early thirties, loved each other in their youth and were once a couple. Both come from Leningrad , meet again by chance in a café after many years and decide to spend several days in a lonely area.

First day

After a long journey Sascha and Ilja get off the train in a small town, take a taxi to drive to the solitary property of a young couple with an 8-year-old daughter, where they have rented a small country house. There is tension between the two of them throughout the journey, and yet they can't help but keep kissing. While eating together with their hosts, who think Sascha and Ilja are a married couple, they tell us that they met when they were ten and seven years old. When they wanted to get married ten years ago, Sascha pinched and now they want to start all over again. Since the drinks are no longer enough, Ilya and Eduard, the landlord, take the motorcycle to the next town to fetch supplies, but only come back very late, which annoys Sascha.

Second day

The next morning she looks very much in love at Ilya and confirms that he is her love. They think back to when they were still in love when they were young and Sascha tells him that she made him fidget because everything was going too fast for her because she didn't even want to kiss him at 17, although she liked him. When Ilya married another woman out of spite, she thought the world was going to end and wanted to take her own life. During the day, Ilya examines the landlord's daughter because she is in pain, finds that her throat is severely inflamed and tells the mother that the child urgently needs to be taken to a hospital. In the evening, the two women chat, and Dussja says that after a bad harvest they moved to the city to work. Her husband met a young woman in the canteen who never left a man. Eduard also allowed himself to be caught until she was fed up with him and he returned ruefully to Dussja.

third day

Sascha and Ilja get up very early to go fishing in a boat. Both of them are silent for most of the day, until Sascha's collar bursts when the fish are subsequently roasted over an open fire. She finally wants to know where she is, how Ilya feels about his wife, but the seven years they spent with her have occupied him for a long time. Only shortly before returning to the quarter does he admit that he loves her and that he can no longer live without her.

fourth day

The whole morning they both go for a wordless walk through the forest and spend the rest of the day and night in bed.

fifth day

On the fifth day they both stay in bed for a long time, as it is pouring rain outside and talk to each other. Ilya says that he is angry with himself for not separating from his wife earlier. Sascha wants to know whether she destroyed the marriage, but there was nothing left to destroy because they weren't a family from the start. Now everyone does his own and they live side by side, there can be no talk of love. Sascha replies that she cannot be without love and when she is without love, she has to invent one. She always wants to adore someone, what else is she a woman for?

sixth day

The next morning they both go to the post office in the next village so that Ilya can call his wife in Leningrad. After the phone call, he sends Sascha home, where she waits for his return. When he's not back by evening, she goes to look for him and finds him in the restaurant in the village, sits down with him at the table and also drinks a beer. Suddenly she begs Ilya not to leave her because she loves him very much. Totally desperate, she throws herself on his neck and promises to do anything for him just to stay with him. Ilya can only calm them with difficulty so that they can go home.

Seventh day

The departure is imminent, the rain has turned into snowfall. Saying goodbye is difficult for everyone and Eduard and his daughter take the couple to the bus.

Eighth and last day

Ilya brings Sascha from the train station to just outside her door, where they argue again. She tells him that she never loved him and receives a slap in the face from Ilya , who then goes home. Sascha doesn't want to stay alone in her shared apartment and goes to her friend Margo with her family. Since the friends also work in the same company, they first clarify which shift they have the next day. But then Margo finally wants to know how the past week with Ilja went, to which Sascha doesn't answer. She only has the request to be able to sleep with them. In the middle of the night Sascha gets up, gets dressed and goes to her home as quickly as possible. Her hope has been fulfilled because Ilya is sitting in her apartment. Like an old married couple, they now spend the rest of the night in the armchairs next to each other in silence, waiting for the morning.

Production and publication

The film, shot in color by the Third Artistic Association of Mosfilm Studios, premiered in the Soviet Union on April 26, 1976 under the title Осень and reached around 10 million viewers there.

A first performance in German-speaking countries can only be proven on November 23, 2019 in the Zeughauskino in Berlin .

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