Herman Schmid

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Herman Schmid (born December 31, 1939 in Malmö , Sweden ) is a Swedish sociologist , peace researcher and politician living in Denmark .


Schmid has been involved in the peace movement since the early 1960s (initially in Skåne ) and was a member of the Social Democratic Students' Association. He was arrested three times for conscientious objection . At the end of the 1960s he was a member of the Sociological Department at Lund University and the Institute for Peace and Conflict Research in Hellerup , Denmark . Together with his colleague Lars Dencik , he was one of the leaders in critical peace research, which distinguished itself from peace researchers who were more closely related to the government. He became rector of the Bona Adult Education Center in Motala, which he founded in 1984 . At times he was chairman of the Danish Sociological Association. Then he was a lecturer at Roskilde University . From 1999 to 2004 he was a member of the European Parliament for the Swedish Vänsterpartiet (Left Party). In 2006, Schmid and four other Swedish citizens brought an action before the European Court of Human Rights against the Swedish state, whose Ministry of Defense had prepared dossiers in the 1960s and 1970s on this and other members of the peace movement and other groups on the political left.


  • Peace research and politics , in: Critical Peace Research , ed. v. Dieter Senghaas , 1971, pp. 25–54 (biographical information ibid. P. 424)

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