Hermann Boettcher

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Hermann Gotthilf Ferdinand Boettcher (born November 21, 1866 in Königsberg , † May 27, 1935 in Fürstenberg / Havel ) was a German theater and film actor.


Boettcher was born as the son of a royal government secretary in Königsberg. He attended the Friedrichskolleg in Königsberg and then studied law at the University of Königsberg , but dropped out after a short time. As a high school student he had already decided to become an actor. From 1885 he took acting lessons from Julius Meixner and from 1900 he was trained in singing by Leporello Müller and Alfredo Cairati (1875–1960) in Berlin, among others .

Boettcher received his first stage engagement at the Meiningen Court Theater and was then engaged at the Königsberg City Theater, the Lobe Theater in Breslau and finally at the Lessing and Thalia Theater under Wilhelm Hasemann's direction (1843-1910). In addition, Boettcher could be seen at the Berlin Residenztheater and after a guest performance at the Berlin Hoftheater in 1899, where he appeared as Lieutenant Wally in Gustav von Moser's On Penal Leave and in Gotthold Ephraim Lessing's Emilia Galotti as Prince, in 1900 he became a permanent member of the ensemble . Initially he was primarily committed to the role of the adolescent lover, but he increasingly appeared in comedies and took on the role of the elegant bon vivant. From 1922 he appeared as a character comedian on various stages in Berlin, including in operetta roles. He has been touring several times, including to Saint Petersburg .

Boettcher came to film in 1915, where he played an amateur role alongside Traute Carlsen in Harry Piels Manya, the Turkish woman. He took his last role in Friedrich Zelnik's Die Tänzerin von Sanssouci in 1932 as Count Kaunitz.


  • 1915: Manya, the Turkish woman
  • 1918: The man of action
  • 1919: The Schwabemädle
  • 1920: The great light
  • 1920: The island of the marked
  • 1920: Madame Récamier
  • 1921: The Secret of Bombay
  • 1921: The One Night Adventure
  • 1921: Four for the woman
  • 1921: The driving force
  • 1921: The handicap of love
  • 1921: Baron Bunny's experiences, part 1 - The master thief
  • 1922: The homecoming of Odysseus
  • 1922: From the memories of a gynecologist - 1. Fleeing shadows
  • 1922: From the memories of a gynecologist - 2. Lies and truths
  • 1922: bigamy
  • 1923: Madame Golvery
  • 1924: The girl from Capri
  • 1924: By order of the Pompadour


  • Boettcher, Hermann . In: Ludwig Eisenberg : Ludwig Eisenberg's Great Biographical Lexicon of the German Stage in the XIX. Century . Paul List, Leipzig 1903, pp. 108-109.
  • Boettcher, Hermann . In: Kurt Mühsam, Egon Jacobsohn: Lexikon des Films . Lichtbildbühne publishing house, Berlin 1926, p. 23.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ According to Eisenberg; according to Mühsam / Jacobsohn born on September 26th (no year).
  2. Boettcher, Hermann . In: Ludwig Eisenberg : Ludwig Eisenberg's Great Biographical Lexicon of the German Stage in the XIX. Century . Paul List, Leipzig 1903, p. 109.
  3. a b Boettcher, Hermann . In: Kurt Mühsam, Egon Jacobsohn: Lexikon des Films . Lichtbildbühne publishing house, Berlin 1926, p. 23.