Hermann Grunder

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Hermann August Grunder (born December 4, 1931 in Basel ) is a Swiss-American physicist who deals with particle accelerators .

Grunder obtained his mechanical engineering diploma from the TH Karlsruhe in 1958 and received his doctorate in experimental nuclear physics from the University of Basel in 1967 . Between 1959 and 1962 he worked as an engineer at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and from 1962 to 1964 in the construction of its spiral ridge cyclotron , on which he then carried out experiments for a year. From 1968 he was in the accelerator department of the LBNL, where he became associate director and head of the accelerator and nuclear fusion departments in 1979 . In the 1970s, the heavy ion accelerator Bevalac was built under his direction , which combined the HILAC, completed in 1972, and the old Bevatron . At Bevalac, pioneering work was carried out in nuclear physics (heavy ion collisions) and radiation therapy . From 1985 to 2000 he was director of the Jefferson Laboratory in Newport News , Virginia , where under his direction the CEBAF electron accelerator with continuous electron beam (in operation in 1995) was built for nuclear physics research (under his direction changed to a superconducting linear accelerator ). From 2000 to 2005 he was director of the Argonne National Laboratory .

In 1979 he received the US Senior Scientist Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and in 1996 the Distinguished Associate Award from the United States Department of Energy . In 1980 he became a Fellow of the American Physical Society . He has honorary doctorates from eight universities, including the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main .


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