Hermann Halske

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Hermann Halske (born October 26, 1844 in Saint Petersburg , † January 24, 1913 in Dalldorf ) was a Schleswig-Holstein manor owner and politician .


Hermann Halske studied chemistry at the Karlsruhe Polytechnic from the winter semester of 1862 to the summer semester of 1866 . At the beginning of his studies he became a member of Livonia Karlsruhe and in 1864 was one of the founders of Baltica Karlsruhe . From 1866 to 1867 he was an agricultural student in Württemberg . He then studied agriculture at the Royal Academy Eldena near Greifswald until 1869 . In 1871 he became the owner of the manor Dalldorf near Büchen in the Duchy of Lauenburg , which he managed until his death.

Hermann Halske was a member of the Lauenburg district assembly and the Schleswig-Holstein provincial assembly .


  • Hans Nehlep (Ed.): Album Academicum des Corps Baltica-Borussia Danzig 1860-1970. Berlin 1973.