Hermann Lais

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Hermann Lais (born July 16, 1912 in Augsburg , † June 20, 2010 in Dillingen adDonau ) was a German theologian. From 1971 to 1977 Lais held the chair for dogmatics (previously professor for dogmatics at the Philosophical-Theological University of Dillingen ) at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Augsburg . He was the founding dean of this faculty.


Publications (selection)

  • Eusebius Amort and his teaching on private revelation, 1940
  • The doctrine of grace of St. Thomas in the summa contra gentiles and the commentary by Francis Sylvestris of Ferrara, 1951
  • The theological foundations for the dogmatization of the physical acceptance of Mary into heaven, 1951
  • Problems of a contemporary apologetics, 1956
  • The scientific worldview from a theological point of view, 1968
  • Dogmatics I (1965) and II (1972)


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