Hermann Pope

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Hermann Papst (born August 13, 1902 in Aussig , Bohemia ; † May 6, 1981 in St. Georgen in the Black Forest ) was a German electrical engineer .


His parents were the accountant from Glauchau Hugo Papst (1870–1941) and his wife Else Fischer (1870–1951) from Oldisleben in Thuringia.


At the age of eight he moved to Vienna with his parents. His interest was in the natural sciences and technology. In 1914 he made his first radio receiver. At the age of 17 he received his first patent for the development of an electric pendulum clock. Three years later he built the first motorbike with a new type of roller suspension .

In 1925 he moved to Berlin. Here he met the French Achille Boitel , who had the idea of ​​building a gramophone that could run with an electric motor as well as with a spring mechanism. (Hence the name Dual .) Papst designed this combined electric spring mechanism and optimized it.

At the international radio exhibition in Berlin he met Christian Steidinger from St. Georgen in the Black Forest, in whose company he started on March 22, 1928 as chief designer and which later operated under the name Dual . The Mooly spring mechanism was also developed during this period and was used in the high-speed elevator for the Leica III commissioned by Leitz in 1936 .

In 1935 he invented an external rotor motor with an extremely smooth speed and a low stray field, which proved to be particularly suitable for the tape recorders and typewriters that came onto the market around 1950.

After 1935 he dealt with problems of color television and image storage for large-scale projection of television images.

In 1937 he quit Steidinger, went into business for himself without a sufficient economic basis, opened his own engineering office in St. Georgen and further developed his external rotor motor. The Papst-Motoren company was founded in 1942. Ten years later it had 130 employees, by 1960 already a thousand. He achieved particular merits through his work in international standardization in the field of electric motors.

After his death in 1981, his two sons Georg and Günther took over the company. In 1992 they sold the troubled company to EBM-Werke, which has been called ebm-papst since 2003 .


  • Effect and development of the national economy: possibilities of the state for promotion; Savings processes and generation of income ; 1933
  • DAL, the steam-lift air transporter with suction landing: together with other materials from Papst-Motoren KG ; 1969


Web links


  1. http://www.techniklexikon.net/d/waelzfeder/waelzfeder.htm
  2. Archive link ( Memento of the original from January 5, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.leica-historica.de
  3. http://www.dgpt.org/de/biografien.html&yid=2006&arid=294  ( Page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.dgpt.org  
  4. Papst Motors and Patents. Südkurier, May 17, 2010, accessed December 30, 2015 .