Hermann Passe

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Hermann Passe (born September 13, 1894 in Hemelingen , † December 28 , 1977 in Hamburg ) was a German political functionary ( NSDAP ).

Life and activity

Passe, the son of a silver miner, studied law and economics in Rostock from 1919 to 1921 after attending school and participating in the First World War . He then worked as a bank clerk. On December 1, 1930, he joined the NSDAP ( membership number 383,708). In 1932 he also became a member of the Schutzstaffel (SS No. 35.763).

In 1933, Passe had himself installed as mayor of Hemelingen by the SS under threat of violence as the successor to Heinrich Ellmers , who was being retired.

From November 1936 Passe held the post of district leader of the NSDAP district of Celle. He was then appointed to the party chancellery of the NSDAP , the central steering body for the supervision and control of the NSDAP, where he worked as an employee of Martin Bormann's chief officer until the end of the war . From 1941 he headed the Office II W, which dealt with the processing of Wehrmacht issues. In this position he achieved the rank of ministerial director in the administration, while in the SS on November 9, 1943 he received the rank of SS-Oberführer.

In 1946, Passe was arrested by the American occupation authorities and held until 1950. That year he was released from prison in Bleckede.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Register of registrations at the University of Rostock .
  2. [1]