Hermann Schichl

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Hermann Roland Schichl (born April 18, 1968 in Vienna ) is an Austrian mathematician at the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Vienna .

Hermann Schichl studied technical mathematics at the Technical University of Vienna and obtained his doctorate in 1999 sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae at the University of Vienna under Peter Michor with the dissertation On the existence of slice theorems for moduli spaces on fiber bundles. After a research stay at Bell Laboratories at Lucent Technologies , he moved back to the University of Vienna, where he is currently working in the Computational Optimization research group on global optimization and non-smooth optimization.

In 2013 he and Roland Steinbauer won the UNIVIE Teaching Award for innovative teaching concepts and in 2016 the Austrian state prize ars docendi for excellent teaching in the field of teaching and examination forms at introductory events.

Individual evidence

  1. UNIVIE Teaching Award 2013 . ( univie.ac.at [accessed on November 8, 2018]).
  2. Prize winners from 2013. Accessed on November 8, 2018 .