Sub auspiciis

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The ring of honor until October 2013, the seal plate of which contains the stylized federal coat of arms and the words “sub auspiciis Praesidentis”

Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae ( Latin: doctorate under the auspices of the Federal President ), often abbreviated as sub-auspiciis doctorate , describes a special form of doctorate that is the highest possible award for academic achievements in Austria .

Promotio sub auspiciis Imperatoris (monarchy)

Comparable awards for sub-auspiciis doctorates can be traced back to the founding of universities at the end of the Middle Ages and can be found in demonstrable doctorates sub auspiciis Imperatoris since the first half of the 17th century.

The Promotio sub auspiciis Imperatoris at the University of Graz is mentioned for the first time in a document , where under Emperor Ferdinand II in 1625 the same honor was given to a count. First handed over in Vienna in 1661, this custom continued until the end of the monarchy . The Jesuit order , to which the University of Vienna was subordinate through the Sanctio pragmatica (1623–1773) , seems to have contributed significantly to this development with the involvement of the court.

Up until the middle of the 18th century, the honor was almost exclusively given to sons of the high nobility, but the regulations were already relaxed under Maria Theresa . Of the doctorates held under her, 31 (out of a total of 53) were already commoners. The first woman did not receive her doctorate until 1953 under the auspices of the Federal President at the University of Vienna.

For the earliest period of this type of excellence doctorate, there is neither an imperial decree nor a university decree which makes the necessary conditions for a doctorate under the auspices of the emperor apparent. From the sources, however, it can be seen that the same prerequisites had to be met since the award of the award, which later - as an important milestone - prescribed a ministerial decree of August 28, 1888, which not only provided excellent performance at school and university, but also provided for worthy conduct of the elect.

The solemn ceremony has been largely preserved since the 17th century. After the reception of the imperial representative, the seats were taken, accompanied by the sounds of the entrance fanfare, in compliance with a certain seating arrangement. This was followed by the greeting of the guests and a brief overview of the history of the award. The dean then presented the candidate in front of the assembled audience, who bowed three times to the portrait of the emperor and handed out his printed theses. Only then did the actual disputation begin . After this, the candidate bowed again and was directed to the representative of the emperor, who, after a speech, presented him with the imperial gift.

Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae (Second Republic)

The federal law of March 5, 1952 on the award of a doctorate under the auspices of the Federal President, passed more than 33 years after the collapse of the monarchy by the Second Republic , is extremely succinct. Anyone will be admitted to the doctorate under the auspices of the Federal President

  1. Has passed the upper classes of a middle school with very good results,
  2. Has passed the school leaving examination ( Matura ) at a "middle school" with distinction,
  3. In all subjects, he has both passed the university studies with the best examination result specified in the applicable study regulations and passed all the strict examinations (Rigorosen) required for obtaining the doctorate with distinction,
  4. Has written a scientific work ( dissertation ), if one is required, which was rated as excellent by the reviewers,
  5. The duration of study may not exceed the average duration of study, unless there are valid reasons for a delay (e.g. work as a student trainee, illness and the like).
  6. Has proven to be worthy of distinction through his behavior both at and outside the university.

Prerequisite according to today's school and study law
The federal law on the award of a doctorate under the auspices of the Federal President was last amended in 1968, so it requires an interpretation in the current school and study law. According to today's view, the mandatory requirements for the sub-auspiicis doctorate are:

  • Preference in all upper school classes of a higher school
  • Graduate ( maturation ) with distinction
  • In the course of study, the grade “very good” in all partial exams of the diploma, bachelor and master’s exams as well as in the rigorosum
  • Top marks for the scientific written work (diploma or master thesis and dissertation )

The requirements are determined by the university's senate and submitted to the Federal Ministry of Science and Research and the presidential office for approval. While conventional doctorates are only of a formal character, sub-auspiciis candidates are not allowed to hold the academic degree of doctor until they have completed their doctorate .


Ceremonial act for the award of the PhD sub auspiciis on March 28, 2014 by Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer in the newly renovated domed hall of the Vienna University of Technology .

The graduation ceremony itself is a special ceremony for the graduates and takes place in the presence of the Federal President (he can, however, send a representative, which in practice only happens in the event of illness). The doctoral candidate is free to "hold a speech on a scientific topic approved by the highest academic authority".

At the University of Vienna , the doctorate sub auspiciis Praesidentis traditionally takes place on the dies academicus (foundation day) of the university, March 12th.

After the actual doctorate with the oath and the pledge, the Federal President awards the now doctor the ring of honor with the inscription "sub auspiciis Praesidentis".

Ring of honor

Since 1820, a ring of honor bearing the name of the ruling monarch has been given as a gift of honor to all sub-Auspiciis doctorates. Since March 1952, Paragraph 4 of the Federal Act on the Award of Doctorates under the auspices of the Federal President has regulated that the Federal President awards all doctors who have obtained a doctorate under his auspices a ring of honor, the seal plate of which contains the federal coat of arms and the words "sub auspiciis Praesidentis". On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the federal law in 2012, a redesign of the ring of honor was commissioned, which has been awarded since the end of 2013.


In Austria, an average of around 20 students are currently doing their doctorate “sub auspiciis” (out of a total of around 2500 doctoral students annually). In the first 60 years since the federal law on awarding a doctorate was passed under the auspices of the Federal President on March 5, 1952, 1,042 (296 women and 746 men) corresponding doctorates took place. Since 1952, nine people have successfully completed a doctorate in two subjects “sub auspiciis”.

Distribution of sub-auspiciis presidential doctorates by universities (as of March 2012)
university first sub-Auspiciis promotion total Women Men
University of Vienna 1953 373 119 254
University of Graz 1954 174 63 111
University of Innsbruck 1952 174 63 111
University of Salzburg 1968 80 29 51
technical University of Vienna 1964 126 16 110
Graz University of Technology 1954 43 0 43
Montan University Leoben 1973 5 0 5
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna 2008 3 1 2
University of Economy Vienna 1977 4th 1 3
University of Linz 1972 38 5 33
University of Klagenfurt 1987 8th 5 3
medical university Vienna 2004 5 3 2
Medical University of Graz 2004 7th 4th 3
Medical University Innsbruck 2004 1 1 0
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 2004 1 0 1
Mozarteum University of Salzburg 2007 1 1 0
University of Applied Arts Vienna 2011 1 1 0
TOTAL 1042 296 746
Distribution of sub-auspiciis-presidential doctorates according to academic degree (as of March 2012)
Academic degree of sub-Auspiciis doctorate total Women Men
Dr. phil. Doctorate in humanities and cultural studies

Doctor of Philosophy

498 172 326
Dr. techn. Doctor of technical sciences 198 20th 178
Dr. med. univ. Doctor of all medicine and medical science 161 64 97
Dr. rer. nat Doctor of Science 121 28 93
Dr. iur. Doctor of Law 22nd 1 21st
Dr. rer. soc. oec. Doctorate in social and economic sciences 18th 5 13
Dr. theol. Doctor of Theology 14th 3 11
Dr. mont. Doctor of Mining Sciences 5 0 5
Dr. nat. techn. Doctor of Natural Resources and Life Sciences 3 1 2
Dr. phil. fac. theol. Doctor of Philosophy at the Catholic Theological Faculty 1 1 0
Dr. scient. med. Doctor of Medical Science 1 1 0
TOTAL 1042 296 746

Well-known sub-Auspiciis promoted personalities

Erwin Schrödinger and the Sub-Auspiciis PhD

The Austrian physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Erwin Schrödinger (Nobel Prize for Physics 1933) would have met all the requirements for a doctorate sub auspiciis Imperatoris in 1910, but at the University of Vienna only three candidates were allowed to receive this honor per year. Erwin Schrödinger would have been the fourth. In 1910, just four years after graduating in July 1906, he received his doctorate in philosophy without an honorary doctorate.

Collegium sub auspiciis prasidentis promotorum

The Collegium sub auspiciis prasidentis promotorum is a non-profit association founded in Vienna in 2016 with the aim of building up a network of “sub auspiciis” doctoral candidates and using this network to promote talented students in Austria.


  • Walter Brunner : The Promotio sub auspiciis. 2nd, supplemented edition. Federal Ministry for Science and Research, Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-85456-231-4 .
  • Federal Ministry for Science and Research (Ed.): In the sign of the rings. 60 years of doctorate under the auspices of the Federal President, Vienna 2012 (listing the names of the over 1000 sub auspiciis doctorates between December 20, 1952 and March 5, 2012).

Web links

Commons : Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Margarethe Rath: The doctorates and disputations sub auspiciis Imperatoris at the University of Vienna (=  communications from the Austrian State Archives . Volume 6 ). Vienna 1953, p. 50 .
  2. Margarethe Rath: The doctorates and disputations sub auspiciis Imperatoris at the University of Vienna (=  communications of the Austrian State Archives . Volume 6 ). Vienna 1953, p. 69 .
  3. Margarethe Rath: The doctorates and disputations sub auspiciis Imperatoris at the University of Vienna (=  communications of the Austrian State Archives . Volume 6 ). Vienna 1953, p. 75 ff .
  4. a b RIS - Award of the doctorate under the auspices of the Federal President - Federal law consolidated, version of July 22, 2018. Retrieved July 22, 2018 .
  5. a b c d Federal Ministry of Science and Research (Ed.): In the sign of the rings - 60 years of doctorate under the auspices of the Federal President . Vienna 2012, p. 15 .
  6. Ceremony: 60 years of sub-auspiciis doctorate. Retrieved July 22, 2018 .
  7. 60 years “Sub auspiciis” promotion - Karlheinz Töchterle: praise and remarkable achievements . In: APA-OTS . March 6, 2012.
  8. doctorate for the second time "sub auspiciis" - . In: . March 12, 2012.
  9. Student did his second doctorate in Innsbruck "sub-auspiciis" . In: Tiroler Tageszeitung online . October 20, 2014. Accessed March 8, 2020.
  10. Medical doctor completed her second degree “sub auspiciis” . In: Tiroler Tageszeitung online . June 21, 2018. Retrieved March 5, 2020.
  11. ^ Republic of Austria: / Doctoral degrees at public universities. Retrieved July 22, 2018 .
  12. Erwin Schrödinger - biography - curriculum vitae. Retrieved July 23, 2018 .
  13. Collegium sub auspiciis | Association for the organization and association of “sub auspiciis” graduates. Retrieved July 22, 2018 .