Hermann Uhtenwoldt

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Hermann Peter Oskar Uhtenwoldt (* 1911 in Königstein im Taunus ; † 1944 ) was a German historian .

The son of a postman grew up in Silesia . Since the summer semester of 1929 he has been studying history, German and Protestant religion at the universities of Marburg , Munich and Breslau . In 1935 he passed the state examination for higher teaching qualifications. His most important academic teacher was Hermann Aubin . With him, he was in 1938 with a thesis on The Castle Constitution in the history of Silesia Dr. phil. PhD . Aubin praised the work as “a first example of a dissertation ”, which successfully applied the “combination of different subject areas and working methods, which is indispensable today for the progress of our knowledge”. Uhtenwoldt worked for the Historical Commission of Silesia in Breslau . After his habilitation , he took over a professorship for history at the University of Prague from 1941.

Uhtenwoldt became a member of the NSDAP as early as autumn 1932 . In the winter semester of 1932/33 he joined the NS student union . Uhtenwoldt welcomed National Socialism with enthusiasm . Uhtenwoldt had been part of the Silesian student leadership since March 1934 and headed the press and propaganda department. From April 1933 to February 1937 he was the main editor of the Silesian University Newspaper. In 1937 he founded the publication series “Young Science in the East”. In doing so, he wanted to identify “those unhidden heads who rebelled against the Orient and the Latin world” in the history of the German people, “whose struggle” had to be completed. Uhtenwoldt published on medieval history, the castle system and the city's history.


  • Castles and early medieval history in Bohemia. In: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Sudetenländer , Vol. 6 (1943), pp. 16–41
  • The castle constitution in the prehistory and history of Silesia (= Breslauer historical research. Vol. 10). Priebatsch, Breslau 1938 (at the same time: Breslau, university, phil. Dissertation).


  • Eduard Mühle : The 'Silesian School of Eastern Research'. Hermann Aubin and his Wroclaw working group during the National Socialist years. In: Śląska republika uczonych - Silesian Republic of Scholars. Slezká vědecká obec. Vol. 1, Wrocław 2004, pp. 568–607, here: p. 581.
  • Eduard Mühle: For the people and the German East. The historian Hermann Aubin and the German Ostforschung (= writings of the Federal Archives. Vol. 65). Droste, Düsseldorf 2005, ISBN 3-7700-1619-X , p. 258.


  1. ^ Eduard Mühle: The 'Silesian School of Eastern Research'. Hermann Aubin and his Wroclaw working group during the National Socialist years. In: Śląska republika uczonych - Silesian Republic of Scholars. Slezká vědecká obec. Vol. 1, Wrocław 2004, pp. 568–607, here: p. 581.
  2. ^ Frank-Rutger Hausmann : "German Spiritual Science" in the Second World War. The "Aktion Ritterbusch" (1940–1945) (= writings on the history of science and the university. 1). Dresden University Press, Dresden et al. 1998, ISBN 3-933168-10-4 (= Studies on the History of Science and University. 12), p. 495
  3. Hermann Uhtenwoldt: The fight continues. In: Breslauer Hochschul-Rundschau / Schlesische Hochschul-Blätter 24 (1933), p. 79.
  4. Quoted from Eduard Mühle: For the people and the German East. The historian Hermann Aubin and German Ostforschung. Düsseldorf 2005, p. 258.