Hermann von Zeissl

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Hermann Zeissl, lithograph by Adolf Dauthage , 1860
Grave of Hermann von Zeissl in the Vienna Central Cemetery

Hermann von Zeissl (born September 22, 1817 in Vierzighuben , Moravia , † September 23, 1884 in Vienna ) was an Austrian dermatologist .

He began his medical studies in Vienna in 1839 and became a doctor of medicine here in 1845 and doctor of surgery in 1846. He went to the general hospital and studied under Anton von Rosas in the eye clinic. Then he switched to surgery under Georg von Mojsisovics and then became a secondary doctor in the dermatological department under Ferdinand von Hebra . He then completed his habilitation on syphilis . In 1851 he became a private lecturer and in 1861 an associate professor at the medical faculty of the University of Vienna . In 1869 he became primary physician at the second ward for syphilis in the general hospital that had been established shortly before. He remained in this position until 1883. He fell seriously ill and died on September 23, 1884.

Zeissl was recognized worldwide as a leading expert in his field and wrote several textbooks on syphilis . For his research he was raised to the Austrian nobility and received the title of government councilor.

He was married to Babbette Löw († June 9, 1891). The daughter Josephine (* July 25, 1849 - † November 2, 1923) married Salomon Gotthold Heymann (* December 13, 1833 - † May 24, 1891). His son Maximilian von Zeissl (* June 7, 1853; † January 29, 1925) also became a dermatologist and married Luise von Kühner (* June 30, 1858; † April 5, 1923).

Hermann von Zeissl found his final resting place in the old Israelite section of the Vienna Central Cemetery .


  • Compendium of the pathology and therapy of primary syphilitic and simple venereal diseases. Gerold, Vienna 1850, digitized
  • Textbook of constitutional syphilis for physicians and medical listeners. Enke, Erlangen 1864, digitized version
  • Text-book on syphilis and the local venereal diseases related to it. 2 volumes. Enke, Erlangen 1871/72, Volume 1 , Volume 2
  • Outline of the pathology and therapy of syphilis and the venereal diseases related to it. Enke, Stuttgart 1876.


Web links

Commons : Hermann von Zeissl  - collection of images, videos and audio files