Herta Gotthelf

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Herta Gotthelf (born June 6, 1902 in Breslau ; † May 13, 1963 in Alf / Mosel) was a German politician ( SPD ). Gotthelf was before 1933, editor of the SPD women's magazine comrade , after 1945 when Schumacher Kurt Member of Office Dr. Schumacher , on the SPD party executive, headed the party's women's secretariat and was responsible for the SPD women's magazine equality. Organ of the working woman.


Gotthelf was active in various groups in her youth in Breslau, including the Spartacus youth. After joining the SPD in 1920, she accordingly belonged to the left wing of the party. As a bank clerk, she went as a trainee to the SPD party executive in Berlin in 1925, where she soon became Marie Juchacz's secretary . In 1934 she fled to Great Britain, where she first made her way as a cleaner and nanny. From 1943 to 1946 she worked for the BBC . In Great Britain she founded a “small women's international” with other emigrants from Germany, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, France and Norway.

In 1946 she returned to Germany, where she worked in Schumacher's office, took over the party's central women's secretariat and was quickly again the editor in charge of the SPD women's magazine. She contributed to rebuilding the international contacts of the SPD and politically advocated a reform of the abortion paragraph 218 .

Gotthelf died at the age of 60 as a result of a stroke.


  • Joseph Walk (ed.): Short biographies on the history of the Jews 1918–1945. Edited by the Leo Baeck Institute, Jerusalem. Saur, Munich 1988, ISBN 3-598-10477-4 .
  • Karin Gille-Linne: Hidden strategies: Herta Gotthelf, Elisabeth Selbert and the women's work of the SPD 1945-1949 . Dietz, Bonn 2011 ISBN 978-3-8012-4206-0 (= Political and Social History , Volume 90, also dissertation Fernuniversität Hagen under the title: Herta Gotthelf, Elisabeth Selbert and equal rights ).
  • Karin Gille-Linne: Equal Rights! The social democrats Elisabeth Selbert and Herta Gotthelf in the fight for Art. 3 II Basic Law 1948/49 . In: Ariadne. Forum for Women's and Gender History, Vol. 75 (2019), pp. 44–57.
  • Hiltrud Häntzschel , Inge Hansen-Schaberg (Hrsg.): Women act. Politics - party work - pacifism in emigration. Series: Women and Exile, 3rd edition text + kritik , Munich 2010 ISBN 9783869160788 (including 1 chapter on HG)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Spiegel_Meldung , May 22, 1963