Office Dr. Schumacher

The office of Dr. Schumacher (also: Büro Schumacher ; later: Office of the Western Zones ) is the name for the office for the reconstruction of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), which was founded under Kurt Schumacher before the end of National Socialism and the end of the Second World War . Location of the office space was built after the turn of the 20th century, now listed multifamily - apartment building in the Jacobstraße 10 in today's Hanoverian district Linden Center .
The building itself was still being built during the German Empire , when the apartment buildings, which are still preserved today and were built between 1903 and 1907 (on the eastern side of the street) in a sophisticated construction method, were built in “speculative interest” for the housing conditions that were only possible for the bourgeoisie at the time . All the buildings on the street were fitted out with porches and balconies as well as some rear wings , with the couples offering relatively large and comfortable apartments. For the group of houses Jacobsstrasse 10 , 12 , 14 and 16 , uniform planning was carried out by an architect named “H. Schmidt ”, who tended towards the“ geometric Art Nouveau ” in the facades .
The house at Jacobsstrasse 10 was planned as a single-horse carriage with a protruding wing that delimited the front garden area and gave the street, with its continuous gardens and historical fencing, some of which are still preserved today, the character of a purely residential street .
For the time after the First World War , the Weimar Republic and the time of National Socialism , a city plaque with the number 120 , which was later installed next to the house entrance, provides information: Under the coat of arms of the city of Hanover, a brief vita of Schumacher is reproduced with the following content:
"Dr. Schumacher / 1945/1946 / Dr. Kurt Schumacher (1895–1952): co-founder of the Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold 1924, member of the Reichstag 1930–1933, 10 years in a concentration camp under National Socialism, chairman of the SPD 1946–1952. / Re-establishment of the SPD from this house. "
Kurt Schumacher was released from the Neuengamme concentration camp on September 20, 1944 . In the Jacobstraße almost all buildings had until early 1945 bombing of Hannover survived without damage, especially since even before the actual end of the Second World War, the Nazi Party -Stadtkommissar Egon Bönner together with the Commandant Paul Wilhelm Löhning on 10 April 1945, a bloodless transfer of Hanover to the advancing Americans prevailed. The US troops finally moved into Hanover via Harenberg and Limmer .
On April 19, 1945, at Jacobsstrasse 10 , initially illegally, the “Büro Dr. Schumacher ”as an“ organizational starting point ”for the reconstruction of the SPD. Only after the Potsdam Agreement did the United States and the British occupiers license the various democratic parties in August and September 1945 , as well as other parties besides the SPD, such as the CDU, which was initially decidedly anti-capitalist .
On October 6, 1945, years before the founding of the two German states, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic , the office of the later SPD chairman Kurt Schumacher at Jacobsstrasse 10 was renamed "Office of the Western Zones ".
More recently, in addition to the Hanover city sign, the number 9 of the “Butjer Route” was put up by the Lebendiges Linden association next to the entrance at Jacobsstrasse 10 .
- Ilse Rüttgerodt-Riechmann: Gartenallee, Minister-Stüve-Straße and cross streets. In: Monument topography of the Federal Republic of Germany , architectural monuments in Lower Saxony, City of Hanover , part 2, vol. 10.2, ed. by Hans-Herbert Möller , Lower Saxony State Administration Office - Institute for Monument Preservation , Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig 1985, ISBN 3-528-06208-8 , here: p. 132ff.
- as well as Linden-Mitte in the addendum : List of architectural monuments according to § 4 ( NDSchG ) (except for architectural monuments of the archaeological monument preservation), status July 1, 1985, City of Hanover , Lower Saxony State Administration Office - publications of the Institute for Monument Preservation , p. 22f.
- Albrecht Kaden: Unity or Freedom. The re-establishment of the SPD in 1945/46 (= International Library , Vol. 121), reprint of the 1st edition published in 1964, with a foreword by Fritz Singer , Berlin, Bonn: Dietz, 1980, ISBN 3-8012-1121-5
- Willy Albrecht (Ed.): Kurt Schumacher. Reden - Writings - Correspondence 1945 - 1952 (= International Library , Vol. 121), Berlin, Bonn: Dietz, 1985, ISBN 3-8012-1107-X
- Matthias Loeding: Between leadership, confrontation and the will to cooperate. The central committee of the SPD and the Schumacher office in Hanover in the run-up to the Wennigsen conference. In: Contributions to the history of the labor movement, 48, 2006 (2008), no. 1, pp. 113–140.
- Klaus Mlynek : Schumacher office. In: Klaus Mlynek, Waldemar R. Röhrbein (eds.) U. a .: City Lexicon Hanover . From the beginning to the present. Schlütersche, Hannover 2009, ISBN 978-3-89993-662-9 , pp. 95f.
Web links
- Hans-Jörg Hennecke (text): Jacobsstrasse , ed. from the Lebendiges Linden association on the page , last accessed on 23 August 2014
- Edgar Ojemann, Dietmar Geyer, R. Töneböhn, Dirk Ihle (Red.): City table on the former house of Kurt Schumacher / Jacobstraße 10 on the page of the network Remembrance and Future , ed. from the Ahlem Memorial Association
Individual evidence
- ↑ a b c d Compare the documentation at Commons (see under the section Web Links )
- ↑ a b c d Klaus Mlynek: Büro Schumacher (see literature)
- ↑ a b c d Ilse Rüttgerodt-Riechmann: Gartenallee ... (see literature)
- ^ Dieter Tasch : Hanover between zero and a new beginning. Madsack-Verlag, 1985, ISBN 3-923976-05-4 , p. 24 ff.
- ^ Klaus Mlynek: Second World War. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , pp. 694f.
- ^ Rüdiger Meise: Limmer / When the sky darkened / New exhibitions by the district historian Rudolf Lotze: Bomb warfare and shooters in Limmer are topics in the St. Nikolai Church .. In: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung of January 8, 2014; last accessed online on 23 August 2014
- ↑ a b N.N. : New founding of political parties in the western zones , sample page 18 of a book presentation by the school book publisher CC Buchner ; downloadable ( memento of August 27, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) as a PDF document
Coordinates: 52 ° 22 ′ 7.5 ″ N , 9 ° 43 ′ 3.3 ″ E